I’m....actually not mad. I’m hyped for this game and really want to play it, but this delay is good for me, since there’s gonna be a few games coming out around that time to keep me busy—especially Anthem and The Division 2.
@Tangsta03: I enjoyed the movie, but yeah, I had a problem with Thanos’ depiction. Aside from nerfing his power, they tried to make Thanos into some kind of reasonable, noble character. In the comics, Thanos is a nihilist. He didn’t want to wipe out half of all life in the universe to be able to sustain limited resources, he wanted to please Death. Yeah, I know this is Disney and all, but at least don’t water down his character.
And limited resources in the universe? Huh? The universe is so unbelievably huge, there’s no way for all lifeforms to use up all the resources available.
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