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Where Did My Game Time Go? (All)

See the lovely young lady above? Yeah, that's the co-host (along with myself and Heffe) of my video game podcast, but also the love of my life. We're going to be married this upcoming April, but currently we live together in downtown Chicago. I know what you're thinking, but Julie (that's her name) is no bimbo and she's not stupid to video games. She's also not a hardcore gamer girl. She's really a recreational gamer (not casual, as she actually owns systems and plays often) who is part of the podcast because Heffe and my hardcore gaming tendencies made our podcast light on Wii and DS reviews, news, and insights. Needless to say, we add her, we're razor.

This previous weekend was 4th of July weekend and I'm already well behind on my gaming because I'm currently still jamming through GTA IV while also trying to knock out Metal Gear Solid 3 (I've played all the previous games) before moving onto the inevitable MGS4. On the side I'm also trying to keep up with my reviews and throwing a little Guitar Hero/Rock Band action. It's tough to get in the gaming I require. So with the 3-day weekend I was going to keep my PS3 and 360 busy while I cranked out some gaming. Well, I must admit that on Friday and Sunday my systems were warm and powered, but unfortunately I was doing one thing I hate: watching.

Oh yeah, she's changed. My lovely fiance has grown in the world of gaming and has taken the controls from me. All of the complaints you hear your partner rant at you about, she violated. The "just a few more minutes," became an extra 3 hours of gaming for her! And when she was done, she had the audacity to ask me if I could just sit back and watch a movie with her because she was done with video games for the day! What's even worse, I did it.

If I wasn't watching her blow through levels in Sonic (and the seven rings) on Wii or take on the extremely difficult and violent Ninja Gaiden Sigma on PS3 (which started as a mere demonstration of how good a 1080p game looks), I wasn't getting in any time edgewise. She has kidnapped my next gen systems and I am torn. On one hand I want to run to rooftops and scream, "Finally!" in joy and praise that the woman who will mother my children and be my wife not only understands why I love gaming, but loves it herself; on the other hand, I'm pissed off because I can't get in any f***ing gaming! As it stands, I wasn't able to catch up with Heffe for the GTA IV spoiler portion of the end of our podcast this week and I haven't played a single minute of Metal Gear Solid 3, either. I found myself frantically cranking out missions on Monday just to have something to talk about. Julie, on the other hand, has so much to talk about that we need to slot more time for her!

Oh well, I guess it comes with sharing and growing up. But rest assured, if she grabs a controller this weekend, it will be to co-op with me to dominate Lego Indiana Jones!

Microsoft And Sony, What's Going Wrong (PS3 & 360)

Microsoft and Sony, two major corporations that one may argue are in a drastic marketing battle with one another. Currently Microsoft (or as I'll refer to it M$ for ease and joking) holds the title as top dog, at least in the US. Nintendo and their Wii console have made it clear that us hardcore gamers are clearly not very high on their list, so while it cranks units, the gaming community (including probably everyone on this site) has a Wii either for novelty, playing with other gamers, or because they didn't know yet what it would become. Unfortunately for M$, there are many factors that threaten to dethrone the US sales giant as the Playstation 3 grows to maturity (it was a late bloomer, but it seems to be gaining ground now). Clearly, M$ knows this too, as they just dropped the price of the 360 another $50 to $299.99 for their coveted Pro system (the one with the 20 GB HDD). Additionally, the 360 has always been cursed by the dreaded Red Rings of Death (or RRoD) that have claimed at least one system for probably every owner over the last two years so much so that it didn't became a case of "if", but rather "when". Sony is far from infallable itself. While the PS3 has absolutely no common hardware issues and currently nothing that has RRoD status, the sytem can't seem to work right. Simple features like reading a message sent to you from a buddy can't be performed in-game (and yes, I'm aware of firmware 2.40, it's coming up) and many of the firmware updates have caused jerkiness or crashing. Hell, even designers from internal and external studios have had major launch issues and experienced their game either not working or falling apart at the perverbial programming seams. It's a classic case of software developer vs hardware developer, and the resulting issues that M$ has with it's hardware and Sony with its software, that clearly shows each company's weak spot.

So what's the solution? I have a couple of thoughts, but in the meantime, it does appear that both companies recognize the problem and are working to solve them. Sony, right off the bat, allows you to install your own OS into the system and at this point the most stable I've heard of is Linux. Microsoft has extended the hardware warranty a whopping 3 years (a warranty that may even outlast the rest of the 360's current gen lifespan, assuming they dare try to bring out a new system so soon) and newer chipsets that don't have as many hardware issues. At the same time, it doesn't seem to fare as well as it sounds. Many 360 owners were peeved to learn that they'd lose their system for anywhere between 6-12 weeks for repairs and some even received a system that was more cleaned up than they wanted (remember the kid with all the Bungie signatures?). Sony attempted to combat the 360's versatility (finally) by releasing firmware 2.40, which integrated in-game XMB (allowing messaging, custom soundtracks, and general navigation) and a trophies system that is much like the well-received achievement system on the 360. It was a lackluster launch, however, with various (but also small) numbers of users claiming instability, crashing, and in very rare cases a full-on bricking of the system (doesn't power up or really function at all). Less than 12 hours into the launch, Sony had already pulled the 2.40 firmware from it's servers, leaving certain users (myself included) stuck on firmware 2.36 for (currently) almost a week.

It seems like something is clear: these people need to either merge or outsource. The idea of a merger between Sony and Microsoft (even the tease of integrating Nintendo for odd innovation) has been bounced around in several blog topics and forums including my own. The outlying issue always falling back on the lack of competition results a lack of innovation. We all fear that cookie cutter games would become the front runner and although good points like the franchises that run multi-platform (COD 4 was a stellar game that found a release on both systems), it just seems too possible that they will merge. Frankly, I like my Halo on an Xbox and my Metal Gear Solid on a Playstation, and no "Playstation 720" (you know that's what they'd call it) is going to tempt me to forget that. I still push for separate systems, regardless of the annoyance and cost. So we find ourselves in the outsource world, where multiple manufacturers can step up to the plate and build things that all can appreciate. I'm talking about something that M$ has even hinted may happen: that the console is a format (much like DVD) and the software and manufacturing of the hardware can be handled by anyone. Imagine a Samsung 360; what about an Apple brand firmware on the PS3? It could happen and may even be worthwhile. While we won't see any 360 games in Blu-Ray format, I guarantee that you can get a DVD/BRD drive out of LG on their first model of the 360. We would even see price differences. Maybe you want a 360, but you're a budget buyer, so you grab the Insignia or RCA model for around $200 (I'm pretty sure RCA even made the DVD player component on the original xbox). For the low, low price of $29.99 (half a new game) you can run iPS3 and enjoy the simple and versatile MAC interface instead of the confusing (for some) Sony XMB. It could happen, and maybe it should. Of course everyone's going to worry about compatability and someone will dream for a 360 and PS3 compatible system, but remember that these companies have been vying for the pole position a long time and they know they have control over what gets made and what doesn't. Sony and Microsoft would never allow the creation of a merged machine and assuming it was developed, it would be pulled from store shelves so fast that save a few Best Buy employees snagging it from the back room, no one would (or could) own one. Besides, you don't really want to lose BOTH systems if you happend to RRoD do you?

In the end, it appears that maybe Sony and M$ should start getting with the times and allowing companies to tackle their hardware and software issues. It's well-known that until a few years into the system's cycle it isn't profitable and the biggest loss of that in the development and distribution of the hardware. Since it's licensed and monitored by the companies, there's also no fear that they won't have complete control and even get a little money out of the deal. For now, I'll wait to buy my first Samsung 360 and eagerly anticipate my Steve Jobbs tweaked PS3 (as I'm sure Sony won't allow M$ to get anywhere near its console). Oh well, guess I'll go back to cranking out MGS3 while I wait for 2.40 to go live and my RRoD to be repaird. Just kidding, everything seems to be a-okay in my realm.

Logos courtesy of the respective companies' web sites.

Video Game Purists - Episode 8 LIVE!

There'll be a blog today, too, but I wanted to get this up. Check out our new episode!

This week we talk about the upcoming announcements for the big titles of the year including Killzone 2, COD: World At War, Guitar Hero: World Tour, Rock Band 2, and Diablo III! We also have boatloads of news, including all the info on the PS3 update to 2.40 with trophies and in-game XMB as well as reviews of Bourne Conspiracy, my ongoing struggle with MGS3, and Guitar Hero: Aerosmith.

Nostalgia Nation - Episode 1 - LIVE

With all the crazy announcements, hype, and E3 just around the corner, it's hard to stay focused. That's why I've opted to take a one-day break on the blog front and pitch my new podcast, Nostalgia Nation.

Sadly, like others, it's only one host (me) unlike my other podcasts (2 hosts, 1 hostess), but I still like how it turned out. Feel free to check it out:

This episode I discuss retro games based on movies: do they all really suck and which are more enjoyable than their film counterpart.

I Kept The Right Ones Out, And Let The Wrong Ones In (GH: Aerosmith)

Okay, normally I don't do rants, but given the recent announcement of the leaked song list is looking more and more like GH: Aerosmith is set in stone. Now, I must admit I'm a little surprised it took this long, especially considering that all other Guitar Hero games that have ever come out received a press release with the complete list much earlier than this game. As it stands, the only official setlist we'll ever receive is from those that have reviewed the game early, and although many gaming journalists have tried early builds, they are either embargoed or have never seen the final setlist. Having said that, I'd like to preface the following paragraph with the fact that I am a HUGE Aerosmith fan, I enjoy thier 70s hits a lot, and that I love Guitar Hero. I also won't be buying this game.

The first problem I have with the setlist is the obvious lack of some of their heavier and more popular tracks. Aerosmith has a huge library and there are plenty of songs, even if they aren't very guitar-centric, that belong on this list. Additionally, after playing the Expert "preview" of "Dream On" that was released as a free DLC on Xbox live, I'm shocked as there wasn't much difficulty or variety in that song, either. Where are the huge hits from the 80s-90s like "Dude (looks like a lady)", "Janie's Got A Gun", "Amazing", "Crazy", "Cryin'", "Jaded", or even the Activision liscensed (thanks to Revolution X) "Eat The Rich"? I could have sworn that I heard "Don't Want To Miss A Thing" was going to be in this game, especially since one of the venues is a half-time show at the Super Bowl, which Aerosmith played that very song at in real life! I don't like the song that much, but where is it? Now I hear it's on Guitar Hero: World Tour, so what, that means if we want that song we have to get that game? I think since the dupes in Rock Band/Guitar Hero III we're above having the same song in two games, it's an AEROSMITH GAME!

The second problem is the opening bands. STP is great, but they couldn't pick a better song than one that was already released on Rock Band and is very similar to "Cherub Rock" in a guitar-centric world! Joan Jett, The Nuge, and Lenny Kravitz make me smile, but ultimately, esepcially with the lack of the teased White Stripes, I'm left with a heavy WTF? feeling. The bonus tracks feature only Aerosmith songs, which makes sense, but why couldn't they add some more of Joe Perry's band as well?

Speaking of songs, where are they? The list I saw had only 41 songs (counting the Joe Perry battle) and only 24 were Aerosmith songs! Aerosmith has a big enough library (especially with the apparent lack of the newer albums) to warrant plenty more songs. I was told it would be 40 Aerosmith songs, not 40 songs total! This is the same ripoff we saw with Rock The 80s, only no one wants to play half the songs. I love "Toys in the Attic", "Back In The Saddle", and "Walk This Way" as much as the next guy, but most of these hits are obscure 70s hits that no kid these days will buy. An obvious disconnect between the band, Guitar Hero, and its audience. I can't see why this couldn't have easily gotten 60 songs or more and at least 40 Aerosmith with no good hit left out, but since Activision wanted to promote musical shovelware, a great game was sacrificed to the wolves. Fans and critics alike are going to chew this game up and spit it out venomously.

You couple this with the fact that GH III DLC isn't compatible (it's the same program!) and the fact that Activision claims no DLC will be futurebound, the features also suck. Only six venues and they left in a boss battle (which we all hate), plus they made it easier than the hardcore attitude of GH III. This is all wrapping together to, sadly, prove everyone who criticized me wanting this game right. I think it's very sad that I'm going to have to remove my preorder (paid in full already, of course) and purchase Alone In The Dark instead. Heck, I might even save my money and wait for the end of the summer and in the meantime rent this game, play through once, then forget about it, just like everyone else will.

PS: Sorry Aerosmith, you took a gamble and allowed someone to bastardize your great songs and band.

The Hard Work Of Many Appreciated By Few

How jaded have we become in today's gaming world. With the pathetic nature of Haze and many games like it (heck, even Bad Company looks like a COD4 clone), it's hard to appreciate a game. Most of the time you're grinding through a game because it has little else to offer you. Even so-called "hardcore" gamers find themselves rocking to Rock Band, Guitar Hero, and Boom Blox (or even Wii Sports) instead of completing Okami or other last gen gems. I even spoke with a "hardcore" gamer that is starting on Metal Gear Solid 4 without having played Metal Gear Solid 3. What? In the summer doldrums you just can't find an extra 15 hours?

This final statement is significant because we no longer appreciate quality games. In an on-going effort to keep up with the likes of the gaming media and critics, we're looking too far into the future. GTA IV and MGS4 were HUGE releases that got tons of coverage...then the games came out and it was all over. Should it have been? Really? I feel that these two quality releases, and the fact that most of my friends who own one or both of these releases but haven't played much of them, prove that we're too interested in the next best thing and don't appreciate the greatness of what we already have. I'll take the Pepsi challenge (which is a gut-check instant opinion, for those that missed that pop-culture gem) of Metal Gear Solid 4 or Ninja Gaiden Black against most current gen games out right now. We've gotten too much crap lately that the clutter has made us blind to actually enjoying a game and not mindless churning of yet another hack-n-slash or FPSer.

I like games that attempt to emulate reality, but only to a point. It's great in MGS3 that when you haven't eaten and your stamina is low that your stomach actually growls. I also like in GTA IV that you can watch TV, listen to your own radio stations, shoot the $hit with friends, and even occassionally run a taxi mission. These are little tweaks to a game that give it realism and personality, but aren't too close to the real world that I feel I'm actually working (see this week's 1up Yours! podcast for a very realistic review of Deadliest Catch). Just like the real world, these games contain AI that actually act like real people. In MGS3, if they see you moving, they will come check it out and call all their buddies to get you. You don't get a triangle that shows their viewing distance or angles and if you run around in plain view, they will see you. This adds a realism that comes with it much difficulty, which is where I think we lose most current gamers. Blame it on achievement points, cut scenes, short games, or just a busier life; today's gamers do not like challenge. I'm curious to see how well Ninja Gaiden II does and how few people even try to beat the game on Mentor or Ninja level; I'll bet you anything the number is small. Games are meant to be challenging, and sometimes its even welcome. Call of Duty 2 was EXTREMELY hard and there would be days I felt I was never making progress, but I grinded my teeth and stuck to it and eventually found my way to the end. I felt accomplished and my 1000 GS was not part of the accomplishment (however I was proud to be able to show it to everyone). Even though the difficulty of COD4 was slightly nerfed, it still had some hairy sequences that reminded me yet again of what true aggressive anger toward a video game AI was. Even thought COD4 is one of the best-selling games of all time, most of the people playing online have not beaten it on Veteran. What the hell? You complain that prestige mode on the 3rd go around is getting a little tiresome, why don't you go a few rounds with the computer AI and tell me how old it's getting! Wake up people, get used to a "continue" screen and die a little. It'll be good for you. You need to be challenged.

Masterpieces like Metal Gear Solid 4, Grand Theft Auto IV, The Orange Box, and even Assassin's Creed will take a long time to get finished with. GTA IV should be a solid 50+ hours to explore everything. You should not be bored with these games yet, and if you are and have played them that much, maybe it's time to get a second hobby, huh? Go on a jog, write a story, even start a video game podcast (that'll kill a night or two of gaming, I assure you!). The summer is the time where there are few releases, and although it started with a bang for all kinds of players with Lego Indiana Jones, Ninja Gaiden II, and MGS4, the rest of the summer is pretty...lame. GH: Aerosmith's leaked track listing is poor, even to an Aerosmith fan like me! Alone In The Dark has some very poor initial impressions. I think the only thing I'm looking forward to is Too Human, which premieres AFTER most schools are back in session (although since I'm not a student, it's all the same to me). I think its time we go back and appreciate what I like to call "neo-retro games". These are games you probably missed from last gen, either because they were too time consuming or because they came out just as the next gen was emerging. Take a few of these games and really get down to playing them. They will take time. They will be challenging. Some WILL NOT have achievements. Just give them a try and stop wasting time on crap like Viking for a mere couple hundred points. Again, these are games you should play if you haven't already.

-Shadow of the Colossus
-Metal Gear Solid (1, 2, or 3), get the boxed set and play them all! Only $30.
-Bully (any version)
-Resident Evil 4 (any version)
-The Orange Box
-Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem
-GTA: Liberty City Stories or Vice City Stories (they're on PS2 also!)
-Condemned: Criminal Origins
-Uncharted: Drake's Fortune (perhaps the best next gen title yet)
-Assassin's Creed
-Ninja Gaiden (any version, preferably Black)
-Stubbs The Zombie: Rebel Without A Pulse (now an XBOX Original!)
-No More Heroes
-God Of War 1 & 2

There. That list, if you beat them, regardless of what system you have, should keep you occupied all summer. If you're hardcore, at least until the end of June! Don't neglect playing greats like R6 Vegas 2, COD4, and Halo 3/Resistence to kill some great FPS multiplayer deathmatch hours. If you blow through all that, then why not completing the entire World Tour in Rock Band (check my achievements, I did it).

What's All The Fighting About? (All)

Have you noticed the trend of video gamers on the web recently? They're like the person at work who brings everyone down; you know him/her, they remind you on Friday afternoon that Monday is around the corner. Its this overwhelming group of negative downtrodden brats who seem to like nothing more than flaming. Listen, if someone's being a jerk, wasting everyone's time, or doing anything else in excess, sure, flame them. But when a person is sharing an opinion, asking questions, or just calling out to the community, who the hell are you to destroy it? More importantly, do you have to be so aggressive that the person feels guilty for asking the question (or even LIVING with the brutality of some comments). I think the biggest problem with the gaming community is this dissection that's going on right now where large numbers of people from various ages, sexes, and walks of life are all thrown into the mix together. The result is what I have heard referred to as "epic fail".

I think it all starts with the basic online gamer. Picture this guy. Yes, he's a guy, because guys make up a majority of ONLINE CONSOLE GAMERS (not gamers alone, just that niche of gamers). He's a douchebag, isn't he? Let's face it, if you have to think of the typical Halo/COD/Rainbow Six player, you're already assuming he's an aggressive, racist, woman-hating, glitching, cheating ass. Well, actually this is only a select few people, but they always seem to space out so that at least one or two are in EVERY online gaming room. And they're always in a clan. And they're always good. And they always find ways around the bans on XBL and PSN.

Knowing that this is the guy you're dealing with, you know they're hardcore. You can then conclude that they're online and bring to the forums an arsenal of negativity that outdoes their vocal comments in a big way. These guys will make sure that you know EVERYTHING sucks. Oh yeah, or that it RULES. Or that their system SUCKS (or RULES). And they don't really bring anything to the table. These people are in abundance and they help to destroy what we love about gaming. My only guess as to why they do it is payback or backlash. So long have gamers been regarded as fat, antisocial, kids who never get laid. Well now that gamers are in the limelight and there are so many more of them, they feel validated to attack all that negative vibe with a very negative and aggressive attitude. I may only be 26, but those years have taught me that you get to a point in your life (this is hopefully around 18-21, and I'm being very generous with that many years inbetween) that you suddenly realize that getting along is the best policy. Who are you yelling at? The dick that beat you up at 13 for being a dork isn't going to be online asking where he can find the MGS4 PS3 bundle, trust me.

This brings me to my point, these horrible gamers that are either striking back or have no social skills (which means the stereotype may be partially true) are attacking their own kind. Its cannibalism. You're flaming another fellow gamer! I really get tired of people using the term n00b in certain instances (as there are others where this term is almost NECESSARY): for newbies. Aren't we supposed to encourage gamers? Aren't you negative SOBs the ones complaining that there's never anyone in the rooms or online playing? Well everyone has to start somewhere and I think it sucks that they have to have super thick skin and get used to dying all the time with no help from a teammate to ramp up. I wouldn't play long either! And what about the girl gamer? Just because she's female, doesn't mean she's no good. This also doesn't mean she wants to talk about sex all night while pwning you in a deathmatch (especially if the only reason she's winning is because everyone's more concerned with what she said). You have met women before, right? You have spoken with them, right? You do know she's never going to meet you, probably won't want to if she could, and definitely wouldn't sleep with you under any circumstance, so why bother? Just play! Until we start treating our newbie gamers like rookies that need to be trained on a police force and our women like objects of harrassment or sexual objectivity, we're never going to get them to stop playing the damn Wii!

Then we get to online forums, which I've dealt with first hand. I was playing video games when some of you younger gamers were just a twinkle in your mom's eye. I was the ninja Ryu Hyabusa, infiltrated with Solid Snake, saved Zelda, and destroyed Bowser in 3 games before you could walk! Not much has changed, as just this year I did many of those things all over again in the next gen iterations. So how DARE you attack me for asking fun opinion questions in the "fun opinion questions" forum. Just because you put in 80+ hours a week in games doesn't mean I do, so maybe it took me a little longer to beat Resident Evil or God of War. Maybe I want to ask your opinion because I care what you think about something in a game, not that "this question sucks". Why did you write that? What did it add? The comment is ignored (with most rolling their eyes), the question and forum post still exists, and you still haven't offered your opinion. But I guess the latter is no big surprise, these flamers never talk about what they think, wouldn't want to get flamed themselves. And what's up with going to the guitar hero web site and getting on the main forum and posting "Guitar Hero sucks". Is this really what you do with your free time? Didn't a game to play, movie to watch, bike to ride, girl to talk to, life to continue living?

Now, if I were to badger or bash you flamers for what you're doing, I'd be no better than you. So instead I'm going to practice what I preach. Please, join us. Let the gaming community all become one. If you're hardcore, make a hardcore room, explain to newbies that they don't have the skill for where you are playing and ask them to leave. If they stay, kick em. If you have no opinion on a question or think it's dumb, ignore it and go somewhere where something you do agree with is happening. Go on to web sites that may actually be about something you like. Or hell, start a blog and yell at a community from your tower, just leave us out of it! If we all start working together, we can show that not only do we have the numbers, but the civility to be more than just "little boys playing with toys".

Video Game Purists Podcast - Episode 6 is LIVE and now has new female co-host!

I will have some great content coming up for this blog, but I've been moving people across states in the last week! Now that I'm home and grounded, you'll see a lot more coming.

This week we introduce Julie, our female co-host to the mix, and discuss the Wii, our favorite Wii games, as well as Metal Gear Solid 4, Professor Layton: Curious Village and the E3 rumors buzzing all over the net!

Video Game Purists Podcast - Episode 5 is LIVE! (All)

This week we discuss the creative geniuses that withstood the test of time and who's paving the way for the next generation. We also discuss the upcoming Metal Gear Solid 4 (I know, I haven't played it either), and the challenge of Ninja Gaiden II as well as the fun of Lego Indiana Jones. That along with news, finances, and what we're playing!

Check it out today!