This new has been announced on the Officer Board, but i think that all members should hear it, for all that knew him can have a moment to reflect on this tragic event. We say goodbye to a loyal and dear member of the union, FinalHorror.
Do not remember the bad, but the good, the times you laughed at his comments, the challenges he brought up, and the special touch that he brought to the union. We will all have our own members of him, and I myself would like to say goodbye.
It comes as a shock to all this news, I find myself kind of in a confused state that someone who we didn't truly know, we truly feel empty without.
So, I would like to say that, to me FH was a good guy, a funny guy, and would always be there to discuss about most things anybody needed. Some of his tactics I may have argued against sometimes, but all in all he was one of the damn finest officers this union has every had, and he should be remember as such. I hold you in my heart FH, you were truly, one of a kind.
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