srs_kid / Member

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srs_kid Blog

Some game i got from game fly

well i totallly jus got 2 sweet games from game fly p8 and TDU they bot are preatty sweet and i just bought rainbow six vegas from gamefly also but yea they are totally awsome game u should think about getting em!


Woo i am here to say i am finally off suspension and im super happpy that i am cause i was totaly lost with out it

No More

As you can see game spots video uploading is beinng a little b!tchy 2 me cause it wont let me upload anything not even short blogs which really gets me mad but yup later people ima make a fourm bout this 2

Gears of war update

As you should know there is a new game type in Gears which is called annex. it is basically king of the hill gears style there 15 sec spawn and thats really it plus NO MORE GLITCHES!!!!!!!!! only chainsaw while taking cover which sucks

xbox 360 dashboard update

well eariler 2day i read that microsoft will be making a new update in about a month or so and it says you will be able to talk 2 people using "Windows Live Messenger" which i call MSN and talk 2 them from ur 360 2 me thats fukin awsome and theres lots more other stuff that i dont remember but o well and later

My video camera taken by bro

my video camera has been taken by my brother by "mistake" which is what i think so i found this bigg ASSSSSSSSSSS camera the old school vhs cam soo ima have 2 use that came downstairs which is where my 360 is put it in my tv in my room cause its the only 1 wit built in vhs and dvd so ima webcam the vhs version from my tv

lVl 20!!

I got it exactly 20%(1%) but who gives a dammmn about percent unless its over 50 woo this a super acheviment to me :D

My Lvl

I am lvl 19(97%) will i make it to lvl 20 by tomarrow or not hopefully this will boost it up by a little!!!