In are clawss in third period we were drawing people who were standin on the table so I decide to go up there and my art teachger says that I can vchoose Who I want to be standing besides me And guess who I chose. IO choose goku and vegeta from dragon ball z.Everybody was gettin angry but my cool art teacher said that I could keep them aas my characthers.So i went up there and stood for awhile,maybe about ten minutes and got down to see what they had drawn and Barely anybodfy reven tried to draw goku and vegeta: Well my friend arthur who is a great drawrer and is great at drawing anime drew me and goku and vegeta. It was cool> He drew goku doing a kamehameha and he drew vegeta doing a final flash.It had the shading ands lighting and everything. Also, my friend mathew was drawing me and yhe drew me with chicken legs. He did thgis because me and Author had drawn him qwith chicken legs and he got so pidssed off.I drew him witjh a tail.
Well That is what happened today that was worth blgin about so cya
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