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I was A model in art today.

In are clawss in third period we were drawing people who were standin on the table so I decide to go up there and my art teachger says that I can vchoose Who I want to be standing besides me And guess who I chose. IO choose goku and vegeta from dragon ball z.Everybody was gettin angry but my cool art teacher said that I could keep them aas my characthers.So i went up there and stood for awhile,maybe about ten minutes and got down to see what they had drawn and Barely anybodfy reven tried to draw goku and vegeta: Well my friend arthur who is a great drawrer and is great at drawing anime drew me and goku and vegeta. It was cool> He drew goku doing a kamehameha and he drew vegeta doing a final flash.It had the shading ands lighting and everything. Also, my friend mathew was drawing me and yhe drew me with chicken legs. He did thgis because me and Author had drawn him qwith chicken legs and he got so pidssed off.I drew him witjh a tail.

Well That is what happened today that was worth blgin about so cya


New Banner

Thanks to avijc in the toonami union,I finally have a banner. I liked inferno mans banner but It dissapeared one day.Thanks Ajsc

Level 11

Level eleven is cool and soon I'll be level 12. Whats the highest level guy you guys have seen? I saw a guy that was level 67 that.

psp for me

Hey guys got my psp tuesdy and it is awesome. It is the new and improved white slim version that loads 35 percent faster. It came in a bundle pack that was 200 bucks so I think I got a great deal with all the stuff that came with it. I got some gfood games for it thayt are gfood.So that is about it. I am too lazy to tell you what I got just look in my colleection.

Devil may cry

This is a anime that i saw while looking on veoh .com

I am a big fan of the series and the games so tell me what you think

If you guys like it I will post the other episodes

heres the link


Dudes Today at school in my fifth period I had my leg out and my math teacher who used to be in the marines almost tripped and I was like sorry dude then he says dude? then I am like sorry uh uh uh sir.Talk about a akward position


The union has finally formed.THe Anime Square union is up and reunning who wants to be an officer the first to post will become one if you do not accept then the next person wiill become one and so on.