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ss4brolyupth Blog

Awsome expirenece

well today after me and my friend left the camp were i am a conceiler in I went to his house and OMG I had no idea he is the 3 best Killzone 2 player in the world and we played and it was amazing he is so good its not even funny.When he becomes sevinteen which is next year he is going pro that is going to be cool. For my 360 I think im getting online next week or something. Well im going to go play some killzone 2 own some nuubs and see u gize later:)


Well i beat Re5

:question:well i just beat Re5 I didnt have a lot of time to play it but what the hell I didn't get sheva or chis outfits why :question: I think mabe I gave them in for points but I didn't get any points why whats going on someone annswer me please do I need to beat it on normal know well thats all for know I thought the ending was great but im not going to spoil anything well thats all for know ss4


:cry:well u can see that from the blog header michale jakson has just died. I found this out when I was watching tv. I put the chanel on mtv and they were showing all of michale jaksons old videos and on the side of beat it it said that michale jakson died this to me sucks because even though he is wierd know he was awsome back then and one of my favorite artists of all time. well michale rest in peace

ur friend ss4:cry:

For fathers day

well for fathers day as my dad is a gamer I got him the godfather the game which he loves . I watched it the graphics are bad but it is pretty fun. Do u gize recomend any games that I should getI was thinking modern war fare. Shor blog well thats it see yah around

Level 13 and other stuff

well im level 13 Tobbin' weired but its cool I guess:) well Re5 is going well i am making my way through it but yeha I justt passed the part where there is three guys with chain saws and I have to catch irving that tuck me a realy long time but I made it through. Well know I am better and I am able to vistit my friends and my girlfriend so thats good:D I was just wondering what u gize are doing for the weekend :question: and for fathers day:question: so thats it for know

Sincerley -ss4

Im bored and a question in RE5

Well im feeling a lot better but im so bored right now its not even funny this is my third week of not being able to go out side and only stay inside and play RE5 the game is great and im preety far in it but so far I havent seen any of my friends for three weeks and I havent seen my girfriend for a month which has sucked so much. There has been no one home because my parents are at work.Also most of the unions I am in are getting realy un active. Since im not eating I look like one of the realy skiny kids in africa. It is really weard. Also I am playing my xbox 360 so much i havent played Killzone 2 since I got it well Ill play it today since there is nothing better to do. On a brighter side what games are you gize looking forward two I think that mass effect 2 will be amazing and same with bioshock 2. I dont know if I want Left4dead2 the first one I wasent to found about and shooting zombies in louisiana just dosent sound appealing to me. So far in RE5 I have a shotgun a knife a stuner a pistol a magnum and a lot of other guns also how do you unlock costumes just a question for those of you who have it.

Your friend -ss4

well i beat halo 3

that was one of the best games ive ever played.:D Well I beat halo 3 in a span of 3 days first day my birthday I played 4 hours then yesturday I played 8 hours then today I played 1 hour so in all 13 hours it was realy fun i feel that my ps3 isnt getting used at all until god of war 3 comes out but yeha. on the side of playing halo I started playing RE5 so far it is great I havent played it that long but I got up to the guy with the chain saw.:cry::P. well thats just because ive been playing so much halo but know I can focuss my gaming time on RE5. Oh yeha I bea halo 3 on heroic easy and normal are way to easy. thats all for now. ill be more active now I beat halo 3 so yeha.:D

sincereley ur friend ss4

what i got

well a lot of people have asked what i got well so far from my parents I got a xbox360 yes resident evil 5 and halo 3 and so far thats it well iguess now im an xbox persone

Its my birthday

oh yeha finaly a day of recignition jk jk:) well its my birthday what is good is I barley have any swine flu left in me ill:( update u gize on all the cool stuff i got well thats all for now:D


the worst news ever

well my birthday is on saturday but I just found out I have swine flu so I cant go outside till I get better. That means on my birthday I will be at home all day. Some good news is that I got all my e3 emblems if u are missing some go to my friends list go under V then ull see one of my new friends who also works for gamespot and he can give you the wones u are missing also I can catch up on some games like today I played some Killzone 2 and then slept for like the rest of the day. And since I have swine flu I probably will be on gs a lot well thats all for now ur friend ss4