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Just finished ninja gaiden 2 (path of the acolyte)

People please the game isn't THAT hard were any of you people (and reviewers) who bashed the game for this dificulty even around during the 8-bit and 16 bit gens? Now THOSE were hard games.

You want to be a master at ninja gaiden 2? Ok here goes "how to become a master at ninja gaiden 2":

Instead of wasting all your money on upgrading weapons you're most likely not going to use for more then 50 mintures troughout your entire play time just fill your inventory with healing items.

Congratulations you have passed my course on "how to become a master at ninja gaiden 2"

Anyway here's my "review"

Graphics awesome

Gameplay awesome

voice acting: laughable

plot: even worse

other: some camera issues and "WTF" moments

I'll give you two examples of "WTF?" moments:

1- When you defeat the queen of the underworld she is flushed down to hell from a pool of blood and when i mean flushed down i mean toilet-like flushing down...

2- The end Boss has a lazy eye and is constantly sticking his tongue out, so congratulations on beating the game, you just killed the retard of the underworld, some ninja you are

overall: Awesome and addicting game :D

Just finished Lost odyssey

I´m not the type that writes long reviews so here goes:

Graphics: great in battles, meh everywhere else

(english) Voice acting: Ming's voice was perfect every other voice serviceable

this is ming by the way

characters: every character is likable except for the friggin kids god they got on my nerves who sends kids in to battle anyway?

if i see these kids one more time i swear i´ll let them die in every battle in the game just for the fun of it

story: Awesome, but it had some "WTF!" moments and not in a good way, luckily these were far in between

Finaly there were some loading issues with the game so beware

all in all i´d rate this game AA

Let's make this interesting

I know that many people have been thinking of leaving gamespot (myself included) but rather then leaving at any given time i decided to make this interesting.

How you say?

The too human review will make the decision for me, why? Quite simple:

Many of my friends over at SW have been baned or simply left, Blackbond, Andrew Xavier, Thrones, Always honest, etc.

And those people are being replaced by a new surge of mindless 360 and PS3 fanboys, as if that weren't bad enough the old 360 and PS3 fanboys are still up and about despite all their trolling

As if that weren't enough i feel like i'm being modded too often lately for no particular reason.

"so what does all ths have to do with Too human?" you ask

Well, i played the demo.... many times.... over and over again, i thought the game was great, so if the forums (which were it's main appeal to me) are loosing its luster, if the people i know are getting banned or are just plain leaving, if gamespot clearly doesn't like me (judging by my moderation history) and if i don't agree with the review system then... why am i here again?

Maybe i'll go over to Giant heck i'v already created an account there (named Stika if you were wondering)

with that being said this will be quite interesting

So in conclusion, if Too human get's anything less then an 8.0 here at Gamespot...i'm gone

P.S. Don't worry guy's i´ll still post a last blog post before definantly leaving

Wall-E >>>>>> The dark knight

so in 2 days i saw both movies, and i loved both of them. The dark knight is the best super hero movie ever made... PERIOD.

Then i saw Wall-E... and i gotta tell ya, in the future batman will be to the 21st century what the first superman movie was to the 20th century, a memorable movie that everyone loved

Wall-E on the other hand is right up there with movies like, 2001: A space Odyssey, Blade Runner, the Indiana Jones trilogy (yes i said trilogy), etc.

Let me put this in perspective: Given the chance between being paid to watch the dark knight or watching Wall-E and then being punched in the face consecutively by an angry russian sailor i'd go with the latter. It's THAT good...go watch it...... NOW NOW NOW NOW!!!!!!

P.S. Yada yada yada new gamespot look sucks get over it

Holy crap it's Dennis Dyack!

he's here on system wars and he's even mentioned Subrosian's thread on

I feel like a gigly schoold girl right now.... wonder if i should pitch him my idea about a game with porn and fried chicken? I'll call it "Porn n' Chicken"


Bla bla bla, bla bla.

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"Bla bla bla bla bla bla bla, bla bla bla bla."

Bla bla bla bla bla, bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla.Bla bla bla, bla bla bla bla bla bla, bla bla bla bla.Bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla, bla bla bla bla bla.Bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla.Bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla.

Bla Bla Bla

Bla bla bla, Ron Gillbert bla bla.

Role Reversal when Japanese Devs create WRPGS

I´m sure you all are aware of what are WRPGS as well as JRPGS, im sure you all know what are its differences if not just think Final Fantasy vs. Mass effect and you get a pretty good idea.


But there have been times when a Japanese developer creates a western RPG (or vice-versa)


Anyway today's game is the 7th saga for the Snes.

Developed by Enix (that's right you heard me Enix) in 1993 the 7th saga is what I like to call "the Japanese Baldur´s gate" it features a more western artwork, it focuses more on the gameplay and (I'm going to use the term loosely) "freedom" then it does on storyline.

That's what you always say


The story of the game is quite generic and poorly written, your character has been training for years at your king's request to collect powerful runes that will make you the master of the world, if you think this is bad you will soon discover just how bad the rest of the plot is, with poor dialog, and they give you no real reason as to why you are chase the entire world after these runes.

Go collect runes and save the world makes sense... right?


Right in the beginning of the game you will notice the first departure from the typical JRPG genre, you get to choose between 7 different characters, while at first this may seem like a throwback to the first Final Fantasy on the NES you will soon discover that each character you choose has a different (and once again I'm using the term loosely) "personality" and motive in the game

OMG i have choices


Once you step out of the first town you will realize that in this game you will travel alone, there are no parties in the traditional sense (I'll get in to this later) meaning you are left to fend for yourself, as if that weren't enough the difficulty in this game can range from hard to murderous so expect to do a lot of grinding, the encounter rate however is another JRPG/WRPG hybrid, instead of random encounters you have a crystal that serves as "radar" to know wheter or not they are close to you, this way you can avoid needleess battles

Remember the other 6 characters you didn't choose? Well they are your rivals, and this is where the real WRPG elements kick in, some of them will help you at first joining you for a very short while (you cant have more then one rival in your "party") however you can expect them to stab in you the back the first chance they get, if you have acquired a rune then they will attack, and if you happen to loose they will steal from you forcing you to choose "should I go to previous towns and search for him?" "Should I press on?" not only that but even your rivals will treat you differently depending on who you choose or will simply not be there to help you when you need it. These runes however are not just for show; each of them does a special ability (e.g. teleport to previous towns) so if you do manage to get one of them stolen you can expect the game to get even harder then it already is.

beautiful in combat


Graphically the game is a mixed a bad, the mode 7 graphics used while traveling trough the world and in combat are jaw-dropping however the town sprites seem dull and uninspired (even more the other JRPGS), the music ranges from good to bad depending on each town and dungeon, not much to say here.

ugly and uninspired in towns


I assume that Enix at the time wanted to reach out to a more western audience, although at the time WRPG fans were more concentrated on the likes of Star control 2 or Darklands, so it was mostly a question of choosing the wrong platform, but then again, this game pales in comparison so its really a catch-22 kinda thing. The few people I know who have actually played this game all hated it, which is no surprise as they all are JRPG fanatics and don't really care for your traditional WPRG, personally I really enjoyed the game though the difficulty kept me from finishing it.

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