@lokizarro @stage4saiyan @Zloth2 @cinerius Didn't it just come out that D3 has 1 million players daily? Something like that, anyway. Those people seem to enjoy it.
>I couldn't care less what a "professional" reviewer has to say. This coming from the guy that gave FEAR a 2.0
@lokizarro @stage4saiyan @Zloth2 @cinerius You said "Diablo 3 [was] received like shit." So I brought up the professional scores to counter your claim. If you had said "it was received like shit with the users on Metacritic", I'd have agreed.
@lokizarro @stage4saiyan @Zloth2 @cinerius I don't know why, you obviously have no idea what you're saying. It takes 2 seconds to make a Metacritic account and slap a 0 on a game, and write "I don't like it". You have to take BOTH review types with a grain of salt.
@Mr_Mark_Legion @lokizarro Heh. If Microsoft wants to give me money, I'd defend it. Gotta remember, there are some vapid fanboys on both sides. Some people will take whatever shit a company shovels in their mouth.
@lokizarro @stage4saiyan @Zloth2 @cinerius The userscores that are bombed with 0s? Those userscores? If the reviews were paid, Sim City would have high scores too and it's idling around 65%.
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