@focuspuller @stan_boyd then what else did you mean by
"Grapple hook, agreed. Technical glitches, agreed. I ran into the same problem a few times with a monster blocking a passage way. Human AI, not great but no better then a Mass Effect game. Weapons could be better, but no better then a Mass Effect game. (Mass Effect being a series I love) Boss fights are click-by-numbers but getting to the next story point pushed me forward. Animation, agreed. Could have been better but not worst."
Everything you said there sounds like a bad thing yet you think the game deserves better than what kevin says?
@focuspuller so you admit that the only reason you kept playing is to get to the next story point rather than because you enjoyed the gameplay, sounds like a shitty game to me. If all I want to do is get to the next story point all I need to do is flip a page in a book, or push play on my dvd player, or wait through the commercials on my tv shows. Games should be about gameplay first and foremost with a story being secondary cause there is already so many other media outlets where you can get stories.
@Deadlysyns87 @tom2750 @CodyALamp85 old school gamers cared about story? Hmm I don't really remember the story being very strong in Castlevania 1 or in Contra, or in Mario, or in Ninja Gaiden 1,2,3 or Mega Man in fact I remember alot of great games having no story in the game and just having a little story in the instruction manual. I remember when games were known for their gameplay.
@Gabr131 @Setho10 @Martian220 why play this crap when I can play dead space or uncharted or the last of us or gears of war or tomb raider or hitman or gta or any of the other hundreds of third person shooter action titles on the market.
@Psycho_truth Duck Tales isn't so much a failing, yes its a failing in todays market of platformers, however for those of us that grew up with it it was a great piece of nostalgia that I do not regret buying even if my 17 year old nephew thinks its simplistic, shallow and boring he just doesn't understand ducktales cause he is too young :P
@Gabr131 @Setho10 @veryfrost so its also newer than the first and second and competing in a market with many great 3rd person games like Uncharted, The Last of Us, Tomb Raider, Hitman, GTA, Gears of War etc etc etc.
stan_boyd's comments