@granola_goodnes @faizanhd I can think of lots of awesome games I beat in just a couple short hours. Duck Tales, Battletoads (with the help of a game genie of course, I will not lie and claim I did it legit), super mario bros 3 I can beat in less than an hour, super mario bros 1 I can do in about 15 mins.
@Gelugon_baat @xxxInfectedxxx the only thing in gaming that is not subjective is that Battletoads, was, is, and will forever be the greatest video game and piece of art.
Gelugon Baat, I haven't seen you in a while, I kinda missed conversing with you, you were one of the few who even when we disagree about something we can talk about it civilly without insults, where have you been, hope you are enjoying your summer.
@DiamondDM13 @stan_boyd @JustPlainLucas @Prats1993 I can think of many things that lower the score, the AI for one, the oversimplistic "puzzles" that could have been either better or left out all together. The only characters I found were remotely interesting were Ellie and sometimes Joel. The gameplay was nothing special it plays alot like Manhunt which is like a 10 year old game. This game is really just a good story for those who like it, it doesn't do anything that others haven't done before. Personally I prefer I Am Alive cause the environment itself could present challenges and there are no zombies er infected.
@DiamondDM13 @stan_boyd @JustPlainLucas @Prats1993 well thats the thing, not everyone agrees on the same things, so what if Tom thinks its an 8.0 it just means he dislikes some of the things that you like. Thats the thing about being human we are all different, he game Mario Galaxy a 10/10 I HATE that game.
@DiamondDM13 @JustPlainLucas @Prats1993 @stan_boyd its just a stupid feature they threw in that was unnecessary and repetitive. oh look its a place I can't reach and there just so happens to be a ladder right over there, again.
stan_boyd's comments