I get pissed off by a lot of the gimmicks in horror games. Like, the sound of player characters heart beat, or his breathing, or, even worse, when they take control of the camera away and make me look at something. I mean, how would you like it if someone grabbed you by the head, and forced you to look at something?
It's all so very immersion breaking, it reminds me I'm playing a video game, and takes away any fear it could have created if they had just left it alone, and allowed me to have my own reactions.
Of course, generally, my reaction in a game is to want to whip out my guns and shoot whatever it is that dared try and scare me, so I enjoy games that let me do that a lot more then ones that don't.
@BossFightBooks Well, a suggestion, if you do decide to do one on the Elder Scrolls, you could mention it's modding community. Morrowind is where it really started to take off, and a lot of the people who mod the Elder Scrolls games got into modding with that game.
@RickPhoenix But, that would be unethical for a reviews site, which shouldn't be biased toward one game series over another. Of course, seeing unethical behavior where money is involved, isn't new at all.
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