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starjackerseth Blog

Games to review

Republic Commando (Played it a long time ago, need to play it again and review it.)



Assassins Creed

Mass Effect

And any other game that I find interesting enough to play.

Monday Monday! And First week is over

So Monday is when I will start to (hopefully) really working out again. I need to jump on the ball and do this. For anyone reading, or keeping track of these blogs, I will occasionally post pictures on my myspace ( My thrive is to be able to recreate an Atlas ordeal. Find something heavy and lift it over my head, wearing a loin cloth showing off my well-earned body.

So the first week of school is over. On the third day, I made some friends, (it's amazing because I was very quiet, I got lucky.) But there is this annoying chick, who's reasons for telling us personal things is questionable. I think she's an attention whore, because she just tells us crazy things. I feel sorry for her. Not because of the sob stories she tells us, mainly because of whatever disorder she obviously has.

I learn to detach myself emotionally from people, as a defense. So I have friends, but often when they tell me a sad story, I do feel sorry, but it dosn't affect me.

That's it for now, I need to finish reading my StarCraft book so I can get the Mass Effect book. Hooray.

A good workout schedule?


Warmup: Cardio; 10 minutes


Leg press: 20Rx3S;7w

Quads: 10Rx3S;3w


Cooldown: Cardio; 5 minutes


Warmup: Cardio; 5 minutes


Rows: 10Rx3R; 5w

Pec Dec: 10Rx3S; 5w

Press: 10Rx4S

Cooldown: Cardio; 5 minutes


Warmup: Cardio; 10 minutes


Biceps Curls: 3Rx6S; 5w

Forearm Curl: 5Rx5S

Fingerdrop: 10Rx3S

Pushups: 30Rx3S (Or to failure)

Cooldown: Cardio; 5 minutes


Warmup: Cardio; 5 minutes


Shoulderpress: 10Rx3S; 5w

Pulldowns: 10Rx3S; 5w

Shrugs: 5Rx4S

Cooldown: Cardio; 5 minutes


Warmup: Cardio; 10 minutes


Deadlifts: 3Rx5S

Squats: 3Rx5S

Cooldown: Cardio; 5 minutes

Saterday & Sunday


Wanting to become more involved.

I sorta want to be more involved at Gamespot. Write more reviews, rate more games, ect. But I feel that it is a futile attempt, because I know a whole lot of people don't check out my profile, and chances are, don't care. They only check it out to see what "I'm about"

But I realize if I want to review more games I can either do:

A. Review games that I wanted to play, and talk about what I liked, and disliked about it. This way makes the most sense.


B. Rent random games, play them, and review them, so I would have a more unbiased (I try to be as unbiased as possible reviewing in the first place) view, since I did not know anything about it via Gamespot, and went according to the info on the back. That approach would cost money, maybe rent one game a month for a monthly review no one will read? Not sure.

But I will try to break out my old PS2 and play the games I have there, and review them. (If they are logical, I have dark cloud and some old Yu-gi-oh game [lame, I know I was once a kid] but they are too involved and I don't feel like replaying those again.) But like Here comes the pain, God of War, ect.

It'll be a fun experience.

First day of school is OVER.

So today (8-27-07) was the first day of school at Winfree. Since my other school that I went to for four or so years, decided to cross the line, and not be a possible choice for me, I had to go to somewhere else. So I chose winfree.

Naturally, I was very nervous and experiences nausea (which happens to me when I'm nervous). But after settling in. It was okay. I'm so glad that the first day is over, I shouldn't be nervous anymore.

I still need to wait awhile and see who I want to befriend though.

Strangely, there is this girl with blue/brown/blonde hair, who I find attracted to. Not the "must-have-relations" or "think-your-hot". I am more intrigued by her. She's very quiet, and keeps to herself and always looks down. It interest me. I havn't really seen her face clearly since she covers it up, but maybe soon. I'd like to find more about her, but of course I can't go talk to her, because I'm too self-conscious when meeting new people.

Also, after school when waiting for my mom, a bee kept bugging me (no pun intended). It stayed at my sock so I tried to shake it off but it wouldn't go. Finally I got in a position where I could step on it, and did so. A few minutes later two other bee's came to investigate the murder, and started to bug me, so I had to walk several feet away to avoid them.

Overall, nothing much happened. Just the first day of school is over. Time to move on and go down a path.

(I also wish the spellcheck for the blogs, were just like in the forums, Very tiring copying, looking for the word, and then pasting.)

Greek physique

I watched 300 again, today (although it was a rifttrax my brother ordered from their website) And it made me started thinking.

Now, I already work out, lift weigths, occasionally do cardio, ect. Now, if I was really committed, and buckled down on that cardio, and creative weightlifting schemes, that I could get the physique that they have in 300. But for now I cannot, since my workout scheld is pretty much not completely set up which is why I need to get a calander and makes days for things I need to do then.

But if I'm truely commited, I can get that physique. Wouldn't that be awesome?

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