The wii hasn't had a truely great game since launch. Super paper mario is alright, but once you're finished with it, you probably could care less if you go back to it since its not memorable at all. Now if the wii was region free, i'd be playing quite a few more games on it since japan has many more wii games. About everything the wii has for months, are ports. Metroid prime 3 doesn't interest me, i don't like the super smash brothers fighting engine, and super mario galaxy doesn't look thrilling to me. So i don't know what the heck to get on the wii, for quite a long time. I may try s.m.g., but thats it. Pokemon battle revolution is going to be more like stadium, than colliseum since it won't have a story mode. Man, the ps3s and xbox 360 are chugging along, but giving us good games every month or 2. I want something good on the wii now!hazuki
..You don't like any of Nintendo's main franchises yet you still bought a Wii?
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