About the wiiconnect i think this service is availble online for some eurpean countries. So thats why you had to change to UK. I think these countries are UK&Ireland, Italy, France, Gernamy...and one or to more..
I am playing zelda since i was nine years old...but I would not like to see a paper zelda...i have grown up and i prefer something more mature....it might be a good idea for a kid, but I believe it would be a bad idea for me....
i said non nintendo funs especially, non-gamers is another thing.....about hardcore gamers you are right this is an issue....but these king of players ussually stay on the pc if you are a real hardcore gamer
For example I have several ps2 funs friends, and they were not attracted from Wii as they were saying. When I invited them over they couldnt stop playing, and they even borrow my Wii for a few days, and they still have it because their sister or brother says , "please tell him if we can keep it a little more". And I wonder when the time comes they will choose something else or they wont say anything particular for the Wii ... but when they play they can stop....whats happens to them?
I believe wii version is much better, played both versions, and when I was playing with wii-mote I had a better feeling. Aiming is far more better on wii but also the movements with wii-mote create a slightly different game
I believe Nintendo should manage to get a usb HDD out, there many other things such as updates for games that we could use it. 512mb is to less....even if they are planning to develop more channels this should help them.
about the controller this is up to you...no there is no point for playing games using the old fashion way ...because there was not going to be something different then....about the stock i live in Greece and we have stock..New Wii at 150-170 pounds...if you are interested we can arrange it.....but i believe that you should keep your xbox...also...if you want to enjoy any sport games for now like pes.....any xbox exlusives....Wii is not so expensive...
do you think is possible for developers to add all the normal controller movements but at the same time to be enjoyable for us.. i mean we sit around with friends and melt on pro....because the gameplay is so nice...do you think that the controller can give this to us?
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