Well, I'm sorry you couldn't try for 10 minutes to enjoy yourself, basing the WHOLE SYSTEM on a demo.
Just GTFO. Everyone here laughs at you
I've been gone for like 5 hours, why do you keep reviving this if it's so bad.
Sick of people calling the Wii a kiddy system. Check my sig little boy. See that year at the end. Do the math. That makes me 35. I started playing on a thing called pong. Owned almost all the systems. I own a 360, Wii and a PC that is worth $8000.00 dollars that the company I work for provides me and right now Galaxy is the BEST game followed by BioShock. Crysis is great too since I can run it with almost all settings at max but I still think BioShock is better.
Ugh... this post is almost pre-historic in it's... well everything about it.. crude grammar, crude argurments, crude everything..that little brother is quite lucky to even get a Wii this holiday..alot of people will be jealous i'm sure.
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