@JeyNyce I like caroline reviews. But it was kinda walking into a minefield talking about femminism, and he/she being transgender like having a dynamite strapped to your back in the minefield.
@Jaykray @mr-gadgets God so what? Quit your bitching. If it happens to be a female portrayed, a black man, white, brown, or pink? Who gives a ****. Stop making rules for people because of your owned fked up politically correct bs. Because no one is eating it ok?
@docampo @steve4123456789 I like that reviewer quite alot he/she didn't derserve it however if you are transgender, and you are talking about sexist it's kinda asking for it abit. Not that I condone it.
@FkzAz @steve4123456789 @Arkhalipso @Dragonbob76 Hehe. Part of the problem not solution, think about it both ways if you are able? Why is it fine to for men to be insulted but if it's woman it's offensive?
steve4123456789's comments