@packtop I think trying to do something original deserves points. This score is bullshit even by there stardards.
Do a WW2 one, or to be original a WW1. Even the american civil war no one touches that time period in games hardly.
@gilldominic @EL_Bomberdor Man you guys arn't even gamers anymore. Disgraces. Just leave. Rationalisation before demise.
@gamedude78 @skiggy29 ok that sounds like bull. Nothing is natural about a 33 year old man dropping dead.
@Random_Matt @jd7904 @steve4123456789 They should be slambing down every little bit of saving nintendo has in buying those games out and advertising it like Final fantasy 7.
@jd7904 @steve4123456789 That game is badass. Through colourful games like that is instant seller for me.
steve4123456789's comments