@ohjtbehaaave @steve4123456789 I don't know what you mean nintendo are pulling the same crap with FPS except worse probably.
@RPG_Fan_I_Am @steve4123456789 @snxx @andrew_ribbons @onixevil Are you retarded? Perfect dark zero isn't multiplatform.
@snxx @andrew_ribbons @onixevil I think it's better to compare exclusives. The 360 list of 18 wins hands down.
@Kyere @steve4123456789 @ohjtbehaaave @KamuiFei So by solid line-ups the same old crap that they put in the 80s except it was new then?Sorry I thought he ment something new something that isn't call of duty before call of duty.
@dummpymonkey123 @steve4123456789 Well they haven't hinted of any upcoming games either. Except ssb. None at all.
steve4123456789's comments