@abHS4L88 @steve4123456789 The console that puts the most games out will win it's simple. If you knew your history you would know the NES was notorious for it's shuffleware. Bad games is better than no games.
@abHS4L88 @steve4123456789 Thats where you're totally wrong whats going to be sold at the holiday season is xbox's and ps4's, and if they go against that because of price and stock they will go with ps3s, and 360s. And if that fails the Wii U will cross the mind maybe Nintendo have failed to hit a deadline to release some games in time for the holiday season.
@abHS4L88 @steve4123456789 Sucked lol? Sonic didn't suck in the 90s they almost crushed nintendo at one point in the 90s. You're not getting my point The simpsons was amazing now its shit its still very popular, and sells however.
I call it how I see it. What they need to be doing now is pumping out games as fast as they can well they still can. The sega saturn revelation on marketing won't do it for them. What are they going to do when the ps4, and xbox one get revelance when nintendo don't even have a foothold yet.
@abHS4L88 @steve4123456789 The mario chracter is a house hold name everyone knows it, and it sells just by hearing it just like sonic, sonic died at least a decade ago as a major player. The name sells not the revelance of the games themselfs. As for the games those kinda games died out in the mid 90s. I saw it first hand. People have grown up how many more times do you want to save the same old princess for like the 1000th time.
@snxx @steve4123456789 @abHS4L88 @SurlyPotato @19James89 @nurnberg Thats true, much more true when you ask anyone about the SNES through alot of great games overshadowed.
Through I think super smash bros melee was the best gamecube game without a doubt.
@abHS4L88 @SurlyPotato @19James89 @nurnberg Doesn't need to be bloody or violent to be adult. Just adult humour in it. Even spongebob has adult references in it. Mario is for kids. or at the least outdated.
@Shanks_D_Chop Good experience through if its a represents of real life if they get all that down. Saying it's just a game makes it easier if you mess up.
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