@rem234 @steve4123456789 The ps3 I own however is still going strong. Yes it is a fucking problem getting red lights. When I pay money I expect the console not the break on me, as I don't have money to throw around like maybe you do. My point is customer loyality has been seriously damaged here with the failure rate of the 360 being sky high.
@rem234 @steve4123456789 Sony has always had a strongly built system. You know why I say this because every xbox I've owned has got red lights. My brother has went through 3 xbox 360s.And i've went through one which lasted about 4 years treated it like royality. And the ps3 is backward cm with ps1 games, and the early ps3 can support ps2 games.
So what happens in 20 years if it isn't backward compatiable, and the 360's life span is only 3-4 years at best it isn't a SNES. Then what? Probably cost like 1000 dollars to play 360 games if they don't port the early ones.
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