Well it was actually an eduacated guess on my part sir.
NO its not 7 million more 360's because half of them rrod u need to read
update no more wii.
Do you have proof that MS counts fixed 360's as sales, or just an assumption?
AND, if that's the case, you also didn't take into account the failure rate of the PS3, which is significantly less but would still require adjustment.
Unless of course you wanted to make a biased stereotypical system wars comment - in which case, your post was great.
[QUOTE="EpiphoneMan2008"]why would someone do that! its just stupid!!! its much more satisfying to use a TV with the Classic Controller on on the WiiOhSnapitz
..or you could use your PC on a TV with a controller and get the same effect.. :| Funny how hiding behind the PC comes back to bite people.. To much trouble.
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