I've been on the internet since BBSs and Prodigy. Through CompuServe and AOL. Ive been on 4chan and Reddit. I've read articles at Gamespot and IGN. Ive read articles on Polygon and Huffington Post. Ive seen the gaming community dissolve in GamerGate and the internet itself turn into a parody through the Donald Trump election and presidency.
But this. This article right here, right now, is the single dumbest thing I've ever read. That is a grand achievement.
Let's just outlaw all person to person contact. Not just wrestling, but football and soccer and every professional sport. And let's keep every inside too. Its a dangerous world out there.
You are insane, perhaps clinically so. Please seek medical help at the earliest opportunity.
DC Universe Online had a $15/month fee for a year before going FTP. And set up its restrictions so well, it probably picked up MORE subscribers after going "FTP" - has more subscribers on PS3 than PC and is going strong enough that its being ported over to PS4 - so why are you people acting like this is the first console MMO and it has no chance to succeed? Are you guys that dense?
You can be 100% certain that the person who wrote this article is dead wrong. Like every DLC before this - it will only be free if you are a subscriber. If not, it will have a price, probably $10 like every other DLC. But hey, why get an facts or information right, its only an online article!
"Quiet down"? Does he think that all American citizens are his children? Mr. Yee, I'm not your child, and if you can't speak to me with respect, don't expect any back. There have been more people inspired to kill by movies and TV than by video games, but Hollywood lobbyists have been filling the coffers of politicians and you're just encouraging the video game industry to create lobbyists of their own. We're on to your pathetic tricks, you piece of dung.
@pip3dream I havent played AC3 yet, but the multiplayer in AC:B and AC:R is amazing and is the singlebest multiplayer that was clipped on to a single player game that we've seen (better than the awful bioshock, dead space or even uncharted's which was decent) AC multiplayer is amazing BECAUSE it is not halo and not call of duty. It rewards SMART players rather than mindless, button-mashing, suicidal kamikazes.
Does this remind anyone else of when Senator Clay Davis brought Stringer Bell in on some business deals, but only planned to use him for his money and then make him a fall guy?
TES Online? hahahaha. its not even out. and when was the last time an MMOs actual play graphics matched the pre-release shots? The graphics always get dumbed-down so the game can still run when thousands of people are playing. Let's stick to gaames that are already released please.
The problem is simple. With so many MMOs being FTP and so many quickly becoming FTP (Dungeons&Dragons, DC Universe, Star Trek, Old Republic) there is pretty much no reason for people to jump into a subscription game in the first 6 months unless its expected to be the next Warcraft. Any niche game like Secret World is just better waiting for it to be FTP. Play as much as you want/can to make sure you want to spend money on it.
Very few people are going to pay more than one monthly subscription. So once every has "their" MMO... they aren't going to sink cash into a new one until they give it a test run.
I played the Secret World beta and enjoyed its old-school think-puzzle roots. But I'm a console gamer at this point, and since this was built with Xbox in mind, I was hoping for a port. If their lack of mainstream success is going to prevent that from happening, i'd much rather wait till next year, buy the game heavily discounted, and play the FTP model and spend money or temp-sub if I see fit.
PS: Anyone looking for top-end graphics on an MMO is doing something wrong.
stevelabny's comments