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steven141 Blog

Well its been a while

Well its been a good while since i last posted a blog and i thought i might as well post something, even if its just me going on and on and on and on and on and on about nothing. Anywho, as far as gaming goes i've completed batman: Arkham Asylum and have started playing Team Fortress 2 again working towards getting most/all of the achievements. I now have those fancy Halloween hats :D. huzzah for me.

So whoever reads this, how are you? i might not see it for a good while but i will!......someday. So if anybody wants a game of TF2 or something just add me on steam, just ask for my id....i'll probably get back to you soon :D

Well that's about it for now i guess, i might do another update that isn't as boring and pointless but don't count on it.

Well my game i ordered in september has FINALLY arrived

You can believe it or not but yes, i am actually typing a brand new blog entry.

I pre-ordered LAIR in september expecting it in october but for some reason it was pushed even further back in the UK and i only just got it today unlike my jeans which is another story for another time.

First of all i completely disagree with the low scores this game has received and believe for it to have received 4.5 the gamespot reviewer may have done something wrong, VERY WRONG. the cinematics are amazing and although with my version there are some framerate issues at parts, the control system is very very good although it can get infuriating at times when i find myself changing position and my dragon flies in a different direction. I am enjoying this game and will return to it shortly but as a score i would give it at the very least 7.0.

Next on the list of things to write about, ASSASSINS CREED.

I'm hoping it won't take long to arrive at my house but i am importing the limited edition from the U.S since it is not sold here for some reason? I've been tracking this game for over a year so you can probably guess i'm VERY VERY VERY EXCITED that the time has come to play the almighty game (PS3). The only thing i would like added would be some sort of co-op/multiplayer but i'm more than happy with singleplayer since there are so many things to do and hopefully i will not get bored which usually happens when playing GTA for a period of time. I'm interested in how the sci-fi twist in the game will work out and so i'm a little worried about it if im honost because i just want a good game set in this time period while i play as an assassin and guess what, i assassinate people. Well i will finally see what it is like in a week or so, so you won't see me much since ill most likely be glued to my PS3 controller.

See you at the next blog entry! or you know, you could message me or jointhe games most wanted union

Grand Theft Auto IV being released.....THIS MONTH!!!!?????

According to the UK Playstation site and also the Take2 website that GTA4 will be released this month for the PS3 and XBox 360. Earlier this year it was announced that the game was delayed till 2008 and since there has been no further news (to my knowledge) of a change in this it's not likely that this is true and they may have just failed to change the dates till next year but since it's on the official Take 2 site and UK playstation site it's hard to believe they would overlook something like that. There has also been no news of this on major sites and since it's a popular game it's also hard to believe that they wouldn't market it a lot this close to a release date and so i think it will be released next year at some point.

What the........

at least one of my blog entries has disappeared somewhere o_O. Good thing im making this blog to take it's place. Just to remind everyone, join my Union please and be active, active, active to make it great. Thanks =)

EDIT: ok my blog entries are back, 2 disappeared but now they have returned so rejoice!

I bought my first full game off the PSN today.

I was originally going to buy Warhawk on disc along with the headset but decided to go with the downloadable version instead since it was cheap, easy to buy, easy to download and i could get it today. It was only 798MB surprisingly since a couple of demo's i have downloaded were over 1GB (The Darkness being one). It was easy to buy and there were no problems so i am one happy customer =).

Now onto the game.

It is Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love playing it, the graphics the balance, the vehicles, the weapons, i love everything about it and when i got used to the controls and what to do i actually started coming first in some games. The control scheme is brilliant and you can get used to it fairly quickly so you can begin flying a warhawk everywhere firing missiles or dodging them and having a lot of fun. Of course it isn't all aerial combat because there are ground vehicles you can drive about or be a passenger in firing a gun on the back. Well thats all im going to say about it for now, i might write a review on it tommorow. =)

Microsoft admit theres a problem with EVERY system

Well we have all heard about a problem with the Xbox 360 consoles and all the units that have broken down and needed repairs. Well Microsoft has admitted that there is a problem with ALL their consoles have a design defect which causes overheating.

"the general consensus is that it's one of botched thermal design management and inadequate dissipation of heat leading to component failure"

"All of the nearly 12 million units currently in the hands of consumers are effected"

This would explain why they extended the warrenty of their consoles to 3 years, however this would definately slow down the sales of the 360.

Information an be found here:

The Sony Conference

Instead of dazzling us with pie charts and statistics Sony just went in there and showed us some games! (they didnt have any statistics to show off i guess) kaz hirai came on stage and showed off a new lighter and slimmer PSP which was followed by another person coming on stage to show of a white PSP which after some star wars music and CHEWBACCA (yes) came o the stage we found it was a star wars themed PSP, so i guess its Star Wars PSP vs Halo 360, anyway after all the business about the PSP there was a clip in Playstation HOME where they chatted showed some more footage. They also shown.....a great trailer for MGS4 (yay) you can watch it for yourself ;).

They showed off the PS Network for a few minutes and showed how a few of the main games played it.

At the end however it was great, when we thought it was all over.....they show the ingame footage of KILLZONE 2!, it looked spectacularly great, Halo might finally have some competition.

The Nintendo Conference!

Well i got a lovely shiny new emblem from the Nintendo conference watching Reggie beat Miyamoto at a certain game where you move to head footballs/soccerballs.

I like the Nintendo spokepersons, the conference started off with lots of piecharts(i want cakecharts dammit!!!!) saying the typical things about handhelds/ consoles percentages and so on with bar charts too.

Overall it was a good conference showing off some new things and....wait for it...........THE WIIWHEEL, yes thats right, the wiiwheel which is basically this very small wheel(surprised?) ohh yes and he shoed off the ZAPPER!! so you can zap your enemies.

This is just a couple of the things, you will be able to watch the conference soon

Assassins Creed(Xbox 360) impressions

First i will give a very brief run though of what happened in the demo.

Victim: Slave trader

Location Jeruselum

I was a bit surprised when he just jumped down form the top of that building at the start since it was a high building but there just happened to be a cart full of hay or something there. After shoving a couple people that were carrying water above their heads a beggar started bothering altaír so he did what was necessary....grab him and throw him out of the way. After finding the entrance to where he needed to go blocked by 4 guards he had to find another route to the slave trader. He climbed up a building and pushed a guard off the top to create a distraction and then jumped to a beam and then past the guards. Next we find a bug, altaír killed a guard that was on an edge and we get to then see the guard floating in the air =).

Next altaír walks into a trap is surrounded by enemies, kills a couple, throws one into some sort of wooden structure, kills a couple more with well timed counter attacks and then chases after the slave trader. Each chase is different because of the unique AI in each character. Altaír takes to the rafters as to avoid the crowd and swiftly jumps on the slave trader after reaching the ground and then kills him(surprise surprise).

The game looks great and is definately one i shall buy (for the PS3) although the floating body was a distraction and an obvious bug that needs fixing it still looks great. The dynamic crowd is very interesting to see how they can either help as we seen with the monks on a previous demo or hinder you as people walk in front of you to slow you down, this is determined though various other side missions.

E3 is nearing

I'm getting excited now ;), E3 is only a couple days away now and iv converted the times and i sadly can't see the microsoft conference (it's at 4am i think - i usually sleep at about 3 at latest/earliest - however you look at it ;)) but ill be able to see the Sony and Nintendo conferences =D so im just hoping i remember to watch them.

Although E3 is dramatically scaled down i am sure it will still provide me with all the necessary information i need about the titles i want - Assassins Creed, Warhawk, Lair(Close to release), HOME(im praying the open beta is.......opened during E3 =D), MGS4, Killzone.

So who is looking forward to it?We could meet and eat popcorn watching it =D.

On a side note my blogs arn't very long nowadays but don't worry i shall find something to make a longer blog entry now and again

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