stick_dudetct Blog
This is freakin X-TREME!!!!
by stick_dudetct on Comments
dude this is san exlusive scene from SAW 3 and it is hard-core. This video is not for people who throw up after seeing people rip chains out of their skin... even though I know those people are probably going to watch it anyways.
freakin awesome hard-core videothis is a very nice picture...
by stick_dudetct on Comments
I like it a lot and if you think I'm weird for liking it then shut the hell up you jerk
That suit is black...NOT!!!!!!
by stick_dudetct on Comments
Is this like a glitch or something?
by stick_dudetct on Comments
yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo
by stick_dudetct on Comments
I have done it again
by stick_dudetct on Comments
this time I touched an asian chick on her bUm she wanted me to do it so I did it She then walked away. Then later I hugged her until her friend( other asian chick who wants to do it with me ) came over and pulled her away from me.also
I Neeed help.
by stick_dudetct on Comments
well I need help... again because there are all these girls and I want to do it withh but I don't want to be looking at all these girls at once so because if one of them sees me looking at another one they will automaticly not want to do it with me because they will think that I want to slam someone else and not her. I think I need some help on how to choose wich one I will keep in my pants. The first one is a sexy asian chick named Julie and has a nice bum I sometimes think she might hate mebecause I think someone told her I want to slam her. The second one is another asian chick named Crystal she also has a nice BuM and well today I hugged her from behind and she didn't do anything about it (I think she liked it). The third one is some chick named Maia I remember her from a couple of years ago and She also has a nice BUM and after like some years she doesn't remember me . But I keep telling her that I am some dude she used to know. One time I was going to the bathroom and I see her walking towards me then she totally flips out because I was apsent the day before. Well anyways The fourth One is some Latino chick named Teresa She (like the others) has a nice bUm. she always says something to her friend every time I see her. Also her brother is my friend (her brother is the way I try to get to Teresa).And the last one is some chick named Estefania I think she likes it when I go up to her and say PONUS PONUS PONUS PONUS PONUS PONUS PONUS PONUS PONUS PONUS PONUS PONUS PONUS. Well anyways I want you guys to help me choose wich one to keep. Ooh I have an idea I can start my own tv show like the one Flava flav has. But still I want you guys to help me.
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