@golfman66: Hey look. An internet tough guy everybody! It's called an opinion. Like almost any consumer product, whether it console, car whatever... everybody (with above average intelligence) knows that there is a certain amount of risk involved being an early adopter. Why is that so hard to understand? Oh... and it's 'you're' not 'your' kid. Go read a book.
Haven't bought a Switch yet. Zelda is extremely tempting... but it seems like they are ironing out a lot of wrinkles in the UI, Store and some other core issues. I'll wait for a bundle. Loving my PS4 and ONE. Plenty to play on both of them.
@golfman66: No one is forcing you to buy the X. You're ONE plays the same games as the ONE X. I'm a Day one owner as well... but as with anything else if you buy something day one you are a lab rat of sorts. I think the UI was decent and has gotten a lot better. Especially when it comes to playing with a group of friends online. I have a PS4 as well. I don't really feel envious of the PS4 pro... I don't have a 4k TV. For those that do and you can afford it- go for it.
I know some people have sticker shock with this price point... but I don't find the price out of line. Given the specs, hardware and size... I think it's fair. If you don't like the price the ONE S still plays the same games and is significantly cheaper.
stickybun's comments