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still_thinking Blog


I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid. Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch taem at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Such a cdonition is arppoiately cllaed Typoglycemia.

Amzanig huh? Yaeh and yuo awlyas thought slpeling was ipmorantt.

I'm back.

It's great to be home. The past week was one of the best ever. We went to a bunch of different places and just put on concerts and witnessed to them. It was real neat just to see God at work in all these places. Anyway, it was real cool and I can't wait to do it again next year.

p.s. Zalzargahougan, your comment in my last post made me laugh. I said IF you're going to be there, not please go there. Ha ha.

I'm leaving for a week.

I'll be in Georgia on a mission trip. Hey! If you're in Atlanta between the 13th and 19th. Look for the Exaltation Youth Choir from Florida. ha ha. See you guys next week.

p.s. Try not to miss me when I'm gone! 8)

Plans for the new month.

It is hard to believe that June is here. Half the year is almost gone, seems like yesterday I ran into that tree while playing Capture-the-Flag on New Year's Day. (seriously, that did happen.) Anyway, I don't have much planned. Except for next Wed. I leave for Atlanta, GA for six days. After that, it's just summer relaxation. (not really) This Wednesday, I have to do a bunch of yard work for my friend. Well, that's about it. I didn't mention it in my last blog, but I finally bought Star Wars Battlefront 2. Just read my review on it to find out my opinion. What are you fellow GSpotters doing in the next three wonderful months that are summer?

Boredom and Cookies

As I write this blog post, I cannot escape the fact that I am bored beyond description. I look at the TV and the reality of no cable hits me like a freight train going fullspeed downhill. (that's pretty hard!) I look at my buddy list, sadly the "on-line buddy" tab reads none. I observe my collection of movies only to find it contains the same DVD's that I have seen a million times and can recite backwards. I travel into the kitchen and Alas! Chocolate cookies with an extra serving of creme in the middle (double-stuf oreos.) sit alone on the counter. I open the bag and retrieve several thousand. I then make my way to the fridge only to have my excitement increased. A half gallon of milk sits on the shelf. I pour a glass and proceed to plunge the cookies deep into the low fat dairy product. After eating more than I can handle, I make my way back to the computer and wonder why I am writing this post like a mystey novel. Enough with the Hemingway. I had oreo's, they were good, and i'm still bored. The End.

24 Season Finale and SWBF 2.

Tonight is the two hour season finale of the show that is 24!! I can't wait! I hope what's-her-face dies. (Marilyn) Jack is going to be kicking some serious chinese terrorist fanny. In other news, I'm really debating whether to buy Star Wars Battlefront 2. I have the first one and I love it. So, shouldn't the second one just be an addition to the fun? Along with a few included features? I don't have LIVE though, so I can't play on-line. I have one friend that says he likes the first one better, but then my second friend says the second one is the best. Well, what do you guys think?

I finally beat Pandora Tomorrow, Woo Hoo! Now onto Chaos Theory!

After a year and a half, I finally completed the second Splinter Cell game. I didn't find the ending very thrilling. I mean, you just shot the terrorists and ran to the box. At least in the first game, you had to chase down and assassinate the dictator dude. While being hunted down by mercenaries. Oh well, it was still fun while it lasted. Now to go get Chaos Theory and start kicking some terrorist fanny once more!

I'm back; A review of the week.

Well, i'm back from the capital. What a busy week. In case you're wondering what I did, I was a page for the Florida Senate. Here's what we do. Each year, senators can get four pages to sponsor for the page program. (This year, we had twenty-three) When session starts, a group of about ten pages goes into the Senate Chamber, (also known as "the floor") and we sit down in the back of the room. On each side of the room, there are digital displays of the senators names and their districts. When a senator needs something, such as a file from their office or needs a file delivered, they press a button on their desk that displays a small star on the board, next to his/her name. A page gets up, walks to the senator, and does whatever he or she asked. After our shift of about three hours, team two comes out and we rotate positions. We then go to a seperate building where we have our own office, known as the page office. This is where we are free to relax, until either, session ends for the day, or we are called on another errand. After session is over, we head back to the hotel, have dinner, and do whatever we want until cerfew. Then we go to bed, wake up and do it all over again. Well, that's it. The Senate Page Program. It's very fun, but i'm glad to be back.

It's My Birthday!!! Woo Hoo!!!

Yes, today is my birthday. Oh, it feels good to old am I again? Oh yea, the good ol' age of 16. Well, some friends and family are coming over tonight, so I must go vacumn. Just thought i'd celebrate with all my fellow GameSpotter's. Woo Hoo!!!