@MrGeezer: I don't buy it. At one point you were allowed to outright insult gay people.
Now you can't even talk about trans-gendered people.
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@MrGeezer: I don't buy it. At one point you were allowed to outright insult gay people.
Now you can't even talk about trans-gendered people.
@SOedipus: I'm waiting for the SJW movement to attack itself. It's bound to happen soon :P
They've already turned on gay males, kicking them out of their organizations because they aren't oppressed enough.
People who are religious are more happy and tenacious.
Which is why so many religious people are always so angry about non-religious people, gays, transsexuals, atheists, etc, etc, etc.
Cause they think they're right.
They are more happy though. https://www.washingtonpost.com/national/religion/religion-is-a-sure-route-to-true-happiness/2014/01/23/f6522120-8452-11e3-bbe5-6a2a3141e3a9_story.html
yeah, that's because the more intelligent you are, the less happy you tend to be. As they say, "Ignorance is bliss."
It is interesting that Paul, a devout Christian, said, "That I have great heaviness and continual sorrow in my heart" (KJV). Unceasing anguish is what he experienced. Today, people say that the happier people are, the more religious they tend to be, yet there is contrary evidence. An issue that many have with statistics is that they deal with averages and attempt to bring all data to those averages rather than the supposed anomalies. It is why they do not make the best arguments for generalizations.
can I get a link.
People who are religious are more happy and tenacious.
Why not be religious?
Not necessarily. Religion has also caused a world of other problems. The Crusades, for starters. Then there are countless pastor/altar boy scandals. Some people become depressed because they put all their beliefs in a book and deity hoping things get better, and when they don't, they commit suicide.
Religion does have some good virtues. There are a lot of good moral codes taught in many theologies, But just being religious does not automatically make one happier than someone who isn't religious. In fact, the argument could be made that an atheist is actually happier than a theist because instead of waiting for things to get fixed, they are actively fixing things on their own.
You may be diverting from the original point in that religious people are happier. Despite the fact that there are many downsides.
Not random at all. Jews were persecuted wherever they went. So in groups and out groups are very important to religious jews even a hundred years ago. Religious communities cohere when they have an outside group to scapegoat their problems off onto. It's been going on in most all places since people started worshipping the sun and moon........
I meant more random in that you took the topic quickly on a tangent.
I say we bring back sun worship. It does keep us alive after all.
I dont see it as random. The thread was asking people why they should believe in religion, and people came with answers about the truth of the doctrines, or of jesus etc. If one opens up a topic like this, dissent is to be expected.
It was a tangent and pretty random, I mentioned that religious people are happier because of bonds they make with other people, you went to jewish discrimination.
I did not discriminate against jews at all. Religion thrived in tribal communities, like the ones Semitic peoples lived in. Xenophobia for all religions, including Judaism helped their communities cohere under one belief. Jews have faced horrid amounts of discrimination, therefore they found solace and cohesion within their communities within other people's cultures, like Rome or Germany. I'm not prejudiced towards Jews in the least. If I were part of a group that was systematically oppressed, scapegoated for every societal ill, and outright killed, I would do exactly as they did.
I didn't say you did, I don't know how to respond to this, you're just saying random things.
@still_vicious: That's the problem here. GS has been bought by a PC owner. And this PC owner cares about their consistent PC reputation on its other more important services. They can careless about this place. If this place is dead, they just sold it or buy another one.
Some people haven't experience this. But, I got into trouble once for doing a light hearted response to a person, who previously made a bad post and his post got deleted. And my post has zero subject, only directed to the person, and somehow mod thinks my post violates the rule when the post only contains completely sanitized content with no subject what-so-ever. Somehow responding to that person with completely sanitized and cryptic message is a violation. I just can't comprehend how they operates.
Anyway, it is their site. They want a PC community. That's their choice. Nothing inherently wrong with that to be honest.
It's caused a hemorrhage of users and killed discussion. On top of terribad articles like this:http://www.gamespot.com/articles/the-disturbing-representation-of-women-in-the-rainbow-six-siege-e3-demo/1100-6420266/ Personally I like debating things, even if the other guy is an idiot, with PC it's just push those feelings down deep and don't think.
PC just ruins everything :'(
Honestly I don't even understand the business model either. It just pushes customers away. GS used to be the 50th most visited website in the world. Yes world. That was years ago, now they're like 900. I don't wonder why.
Religions, Judaism more than most others, fosters in group, out group thinking. Xenophobia might have been an adaptive advantage to early religious communities. Today? Not at all.
Very random. But most outside cultures are awful, probably still beneficial.
Not random at all. Jews were persecuted wherever they went. So in groups and out groups are very important to religious jews even a hundred years ago. Religious communities cohere when they have an outside group to scapegoat their problems off onto. It's been going on in most all places since people started worshipping the sun and moon........
I meant more random in that you took the topic quickly on a tangent.
I say we bring back sun worship. It does keep us alive after all.
I dont see it as random. The thread was asking people why they should believe in religion, and people came with answers about the truth of the doctrines, or of jesus etc. If one opens up a topic like this, dissent is to be expected.
It was a tangent and pretty random, I mentioned that religious people are happier because of bonds they make with other people, you went to jewish discrimination.
Is that also why in America the heavily religious also love clinging to their guns, sticking up for people who shoot unarmed people of color, love telling women and gays how to live and mandate that in law, who want nothing more than their nation to invade Muslim counties and bomb them into oblivion, or that they want to corrupt education to spread their ideological disease? Because they're happy and tenacious people?
I like how you associated this entirely with one religion and the worst aspects of it.....it's interesting.
I find it interesting you find it interesting, when I also narrowed the field down to say this is an American problem, and in context it's a right wing political issue more that's perverted religion, but whatever.
You forgot about the middle east.
I could also mention Boko Haram and The Lords Army but then where would I stop, I'm just mentioning the freaks in my neck of the woods.
lol fair enough.
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