Or, and here's a thought.
There's a biological basis to gender that will never ever change because biology and science.
Sex = XX or XY in the overwhelming majority of cases, and is commonly associated with genitalia, even if a male lacking penis and testicles is still male. This is because sex is governed by chromosomes. Genitalia is usually a quick and easy indicator, but it is not the deciding factor.
Gender = Girls like pink dolls, boys like blue trucks.
The first governs a lot of medical and biological aspects of our existence. The second is a collection if silly stereotypes, as it is laughable to claim that disposition, personality, aesthetic, and one's life goals should be governed by genitalia.
In Reality, girls liking dolls and boys liking trucks ties into biology, not culture. Most aren't stereotypes, they're patterns of behavior and thinking that are hardwired. http://www.livescience.com/22677-girls-dolls-boys-toy-trucks.html
Yes personality is largely tied to sex; men are more aggressive and driven due to biology.
Physical Aesthetics such as preferences in terms of weight, waist to shoulder ratio, and attractiveness of face are all biological drives.
Yes, even life goals are driven by your default sex. Men are driven to compete, and accumulate resources, women are programmed to be more nurturing and put more emphasis on family.
We're all human and biology is what makes it so.
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