stoutlad's forum posts
Please dont get an Alienware they are overpriced junk.V4LENT1NEI agree 100%. Also, did no one read the part of the OP's post where he said he was going to be building it with a friend? He can either save money or get better parts than what these premades have. Help him with a Newegg or similar set up imo. (Do they have a UK Newegg?)
So to recap, go buy thermal compound.Ghost_702Point taken.
Is thermal compound a MUST? I scraped off my old compound a few days ago and don't have any extra. I was wondering if it was safe to use my computer without any thermal compound applied between the HSF and the CPU.
There is no better or comparison here. They are 2 completely different and distinctive fps games. jedikevin2
I just want opinions Stoutlad
Which do you prefer? StoutladI didn't see which part was hard. I understand what you are saying, but I'm only asking for people's opinions. Surely those exist.
So, I want to get into a good multiplayer FPS and I'm looking at CS:S and TF2 as potential candidates. I just want opinions on these two. Which do you prefer? Which do you think has the better/stronger community?
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