They decided to hide this show behind an online subscription. TOO FUNNY. Do they not know that their target audience is a bunch of geeks that will simply pirate it if they don't make it easily accessible and widely available? They might as well announce that this show is going to be released free via torrent LOL.
I have no problem with these articles for people that want to read them. BUT STOP WITH THE SPOILERS IN THE HEADLINES!!!! I'd prefer to see the movie without knowing everything before hand. PLEASE!!!!!!!!
@esqueejy: Exactly! Not everyone here is a big comic book geek. It's nice to learn and experience things for the first time during the actual movie, not in trailers or browsing a website. Takes away some of the fun of seeing the movie.
@scblais: You missed the point entirely. I never said it was a bad game or that it wouldn't be any good. I never said I didn't enjoy it or there were any problems with it. When I said it missed its opportunity it was a comment to it missing its peak in hype. Games are sold with hype and even more, awards are given based on hype. Because there are a lot of good games, just being a good game isn't enough. But the real question is why are you so defensive about something you have nothing to do with? Maybe read next time and think. Everything doesn't need to be about fanboyism all the time.
@Trev786: Might be a good game, but it wont be game of the year because that is decided by hype more than anything and this game missed it's opportunity.
straightcur's comments