@ibonedyourmom: A company would know well in advance if they had no money. Yet they allowed their employees to work under false pretences. Those responsible need to be charged with fraud.
@halflight87: Green Lantern could make a pretty cool game, if they could pull it off... My guess though is Green Arrow. It's just easier without super powers, and game devs lately seem obsessed with archery.
@se007: The forced use of the Batmobile over and over just kept taking me out of the story and it didn't feel cohesive at all. Not to mention, they talked up the original character and story, but really it was a recycled story line. I enjoyed the usual Arkham stuff, but it was subpar compared to the rest of the series.
@NikoKun: I understand perfectly. I know why. But if they want this to be more than just a niche product, they need to make it more streamlined and simpler for the general public. It's almost like you didn't read my comment and just keep repeating yourself to everyone because you want to defend this at all costs even if things can be done better. Criticism isn't hate. That's how things improve and become truly great.
He should be forced to pay all costs of this case, including Bethesda's overpriced lawyers, then be banned from gaming, since by his own admissions, he cant handle it.
straightcur's comments