Better hope the budget for this movie was really low, because it is not going to make a lot of money. Maybe they shouldve made an animated series instead of this cartoony like action movie.
LOL, How can any professional release a product in this state? Dont people have personal pride in what they do anymore? It;s good that it will be fixed but it never should have happened in the first place. How many people did this go through before making its way to the public?
@93ChevyNut: Alimony has nothing to do with the child. Child support takes care of that. Alimony is to maintain a certain level of lifestyle for the adult. It made sense when women didnt work, but now, nothing is stopping anyone other than personal choices. Get divorced and life might be a little harder, too bad, that's your choice. Also, it always seems like the one that pays alimony ends up far worse off than ex-partner that receives the money. Scam 100%. I would never pay it
@93ChevyNut: Those are all good examples of when people pushed and fought for equality. Those were all simply getting rights that others already had. But in today's world, some people have decided that it is ok to do things for some people while it would be considered offensive to do the same for others. That is not equality. There is a push for quotas in workplaces based on gender and race. That is not equality, that is the appearance of equality achieved by discriminatory policies.
I never once said do not fight for equality. I said we must absolutely fight for equality, even if in certain cases that doesnt benefit whomever you are fighting for. Equality at all costs. But too many get caught up in their "cause" and lose sight of what the true goal is.
@93ChevyNut: Child support should always be paid (and actually go to the child's care), but alimony is a scam that should never be paid. No one is forced to stay home and watch the kids. It is a choice.
@93ChevyNut: We absolutely are treated equally for the most part. But if you feel we are not, then you certainly dont fix it by pushing for unequal treatment in the other directing. We must push for equal treatment at all times. No compromising to benefit "your side". That will only lead to the pendulum constantly swinging back and forth and it actually gives ammunition to "the other side".
Equality is all you need to remember. Don't mistake it for the superficial appearance of equality. True equality doesn't have quotas. And balanced "representation" is not the same thing.
@93ChevyNut: NO!!!!! That's the problem right there. No one needs to be propped up, we need to be treated as equals. That is all.
Just because i am a man in a male dominated industry, it doesnt mean i have any advantage. Similar if i were to enter a female dominated industry, my chances of landing a job should be 1 out of however many applicants there are. Not 1 out of this many men for the number of spots reserved for men, plus only so many of those are reserved for my ethnicity and then only so many of those for my sexuality etc,,,,
I am a person, that is all. None of the other "identity traits" matter. Everyone is equal, then go by skill and experience. True equality. Not quotas.
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