Trudeau governs based on political correctness and which ever the wind is blowing. He is clueless. He was only elected because of his name and his looks (a sad reality). Unfortunately there is no real opposition at the moment, so we are likely stuck with him for 8 years...
@7tizz: 4 years of pain is the price to pay to clean out the corruption that had infected the 40yr Alberta PC party. But Notley is not loved here and is only a place holder until the next election. We will come back stronger than ever.
As someone whose primary gaming is done on Playstation, I would give them a C- since the launch of PS4. It exists, it's decent, but there's nothing to brag about. So much room for improvements.
OMG, STOP IT already. The movie is coming out soon and will sell a ton. Let it be and leave something for the actual theater experience. It sucks that studios feel the need to show so much of their movies before they are released.
@hansond_jaysond_lee: You're right. Always best to form opinions on a product that isn't even made yet. Why judge something based on its own merits when internet hate is so much easier. Thank you for leading the charge.
straightcur's comments