I should get a meeting at the White House. I had about as much to do with the shooting as the video game industry. This is all about deflection and misplaced virtue signaling in the hopes of tricking themselves in to feeling safe.
Mostly looking forward to Mission Impossible, Tomb Raider would be second i guess. Im surprised Infinity War doesnt have me hyped. I think it's because the MCU has been less integrated than it was before, or i am tired of it. Not sure. Really dont see anything else to be hyped about.
@TacticaI: Your post made no reference to video games or mass shooting. It was simply the generic Trump hate that is parroted all over. If you want to call out the bs, call it out. Generic insults arent the same.
@ThePlantain: We always need more debates. That is how civil society works. I'm not saying you should support him, but the manner in which so many oppose him is a big part of why he was elected. Do not attack his supporters. Talk, listen and maybe you might get a few to change their minds. Constantly calling them bigots will only harden their position.
@ThePlantain: Ignoring him isnt the answer. Debate and challenge his ideas and policies. Stop with the personal attacks that only strengthen him. And people really need to stop attacking his supporters. Why would anyone listen to another point of view when they are under constant attack and labeled bigots and racists. Enough! Ideas, debates, talking and listening, that is where progress is made.
@PrpleTrtleBuBum: Unfortunately people feel guilty after terrible tragedies and thus want to seem like they are helping in some way. But they dont have a clue as to how to help, so they go after whatever is presented to them. It is usually more about making themselves feel better rather that actually helping. The problems are always far more complex than what the activists that prey on people during these times want to acknowledge. .
@TacticaI: It is your level of hatred that pushes his supporters to harden their position. Also, those in the middle or on the fence see constant vitriol directed at him and his followers only creates sympathy and more supporters. Want to stop him, you must learn why and how he was elected. Hatred is not the answer.
straightcur's comments