@gmanfromheck: Do you really believe that? Just because something was already spoiled previously, doesn't mean it's no longer a spoiler. People try to avoid most spoilers, but if it keeps getting spoiled by multiple sources, then it becomes impossible to avoid. It's really disheartening to see that this is the position of GS staff.
These so called death threats aren't real death threats. I'm tired of reading these stories. Anyone that is online has gotten them. It's simply immature people that don't know how to express themselves or simply think they are funny. Either way it's pathetic. But the people that take them seriously are almost as bad. Stop reporting this, unless there is an actual real threat. Let's move on and not give the kids the attention they are seeking..
This is the problem with E3, I don't care about seeing games I already know about and will see tons of ads for anyways. Show me something new, something that hasn't already been spoiled. And limit it to games coming out either this year or next at the latest. I don't want to see the same game at multiple E3s
straightcur's comments