They made such a skyrim-like game (which was not anywhere as good as skyrim)... and released a few months after skyrim's release... and they expected to sell more than 3 million units?!?!?!
If anybody likes D2, they'll likely hate D3. It's been streamlined wayyy too much. I don't understand why no reviewer has mentioned the fact that the game's levelling system is stolen right out of cod games -_- I'm immensely disappointed with D3, the 12 years was not worth it.
the game should have been good from the start, but it wasn't, it sucked. Bioware will fix it, but they'll expect money for fixing it. Consumers are dumb and will buy it because they loved the series too much. Who wins? EA does.
lol i dont expect them to change it. But I also won't buy any more Bioware games. ME3 sucked, DA2 sucked. This is a horrible trend they're getting themselves into by trying to broaden their game to an audience that is way outside of their original game audience. I'm done with this.
The last reason is my reason. And that's the reason I won't be buying ME3 until there is a significant price drop. By the way, this is a fantastic article Kevin, I feel you are the first game critic who finally addresses these issues. I'm sorry about the tweet you received, that is completely uncalled for. I think it's also worthwhile that you mention that the ending of this game is basically stripped right out of the original Deus Ex.
She deserves it. New bioware games have sucked due to this "appealing to wider audience excuse". Screw her and all of EA who are pro for these decisions. DA Origins will always be better than DA 2. and same for ME1 against ME2.
The community has every right to say things like that. new bioware games have clearly shown what "appealing to the larger audience" really means... It means crappy games with a garbage linear story. Bioware is dead to me, and heck, she probably is a whore.
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