@Yogurt_master @strikeback1247 Yes, the exclusive content isn't a deal breaker, but that article you showed me also isn't. I'm just going to buy Watch_Dogs for the PS4 and play the shit out of it on November 29th!
@Yogurt_master @strikeback1247 Why would that article make me cancel my pre order? A small thing that is better on xbox one while the ps4 gets exclusive content.
@Yogurt_master @strikeback1247 No, you're right, I AM not looking only at exclusives. I think that most multiplatform games are better. And why the hell would I cancel my pre order?
@Yogurt_master @evil_devil_mons Maybe it's your own fault if you already break it after one month. And there are games that are way better than FPS games.
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