I cant wait to see what sony and microsoft have come up with because I cannot see, apart from better hardware, performance and refinement of design, how the next gen of consoles will truly blow us away because if you think about it the both consoles are full of current tech and have alot of the features that we are all used to such as facebook, twiiter and all that ( which i think is pretty pointless but nevermind). I think that they may be more like ps3.5 and xbox 480, just improved versions of their previous (still amazing) consoles. This is just a guess and I could be completely wrong so lets just wait for E3
Is it just me or was there no specific mention of prices in this article? I would definetely build my own gaming rig but to get a gaming experience that is above a console you need to either be a nigerian prince or save for a V E R Y long time
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