studwig's forum posts
i bought the original guitar hero for ps2 when it first came out and loved it . I played it so much and even beat it. I however grew tired of it and anticipated the second one. I was very dissappointed to find it almost identicle to the first and the songs sucked but i played it enough to beat it on expert. Now we have a third on our hands i even gave it a chance, played it at a buddies house for a while.but we again get an identicalmatch tothe first, i hated it and refuse to buy it. As for it being claimed to having the best songs of the series i think that is false. I'd take the songs from 1 anyday over the new ones. Seriously Jimi Hendrix and a good stevie ray vaughan song( i can play pride and joy with my eyes closed on real guita rStevie has way sweeter songs than this).My opinion is stay clear of this play rock band it has more stuff to do so it doesnt get old as fast. Just wish it was for wii and cheaper. I'll stick with my real guitar, Im done with guitar-queero (South Park reference).
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