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stuna12345 Blog


5. Clive Barkers JERIHCO (i think thats how you spell it) anyway i downloaded the demo for the pc. it was pretty solid, game story seems extremly interesting. however since i amnot a pc gamer i will most likely pick it up for the playstation 3

4. Blacksite area 51- okay i know what your thinking... your saying what? but listen..... after looking on differnt websites for some videos this game originally looked like a knock off fall of man....... however this game features the same online options as halo 3. replay, 4 player coop, and so fourth.. i dont know but november is looking crazy.......

3. Army of Two. ............... just go watch a trialer or a stage demo you will understand........

2. Uncharted Drakes Fortune... I am looking forward to this game because it is from the creature of crash bandicute and jak and daxter series.... anyway this game looks like it could shine with the top. story line gamplay graphics.. it is the only game beside ut3 that is running on the unreal engine.also no hudd which mixes it up..looks amazing must must must check out.

lastly i wanted this to be a sleeper list and this is a game i have looking forward too for a long while

1. Kane and Lynch: Dead Men i have waiting for that next generation hardcore crime drama game.. this game defffinetly brings that. apart from the crazy online play this game will relly hit the spot t least unitl gta 4.. I dont know how many develepor interviews i have checked out or stage demos i have watched but i cant wait for this game. and if your saying what about saints row game for 360. cummon that game was more of and uncencored arcade game. that was garabage... this game should be number 1 on every1s list.


Please read my halo 3 review to hear my view and impressions on halo. by the way i got 9 skulls today. i beat the game on heroic and got tuns of achievment points. starting online tonight c ya on xbox live>>>>>

9.5 hummmm

jeff g even said in the review that halo 3 was just like halo 2 with some new onlone options. why do u say that it deserves a 9.5 or even a "game of the year" tile, because its HALO r u stupid. even if this game blowed people would still be slobering over this game for the next 4 or 5 years. what really makes me mad is that fact that there are so many great games comming out that r going to be over shadowed by this CRAP. this moring i went to best buy to pick up warhawk, and there was a line out the fricken door to play some little demo crap for halo. i couldnt believe the publisity that this game attracts. im sure this game will be great down the road but all i can say is that if the reason why great game like cod4 army of two mass effect, assasins creedand others are over shadowed by halo i will never touch video games again ever.......


these days games are becoming to over hyped and as a result there is too much pressure for a game to produce. for example many people thought that lair might be a game of the yaer candidate, and set a good standard for ps3. all i know is that we hype these games and expect them too do wonders. that is why halo 3 is so frustrating for me because their r so many surprise game that r coming out in the next 2 months that will be over shodowed by halo. man if this game flops..... like lair god help bungie and microsoft

rumble? sixaxes? or both?

umm... i recall kaz hari saying that the rumble was in the past and that the rumble was more of a reaction. and that they wanted the player to have more freedom. confused, anyway i wonder if you can still use the old sixaxes or if you are going too need the duleshock 3/sixaxes/duleshock sixaxes 3 or watever its called. im a little concerned because who relly wants that experience back.. i mean that was great on the ps2but i have moved on tell me wat u guys think.....

i am going game shopping this weekend what should i pick up?

i was thinking about picing up warhawk. however the online only feature concerns me a little. i am not a flight sim fan but the ground game looks pretty descent. kinda reminds me off star wars battles front series.. i might save up my money for cod4 in a couple weeks. blacksite area 51 looks like a resistance rip off, might rent it instead... oh yah i dont know if any1 has herd of this game called halo 3 i might check that out lol.... if any1 has any ideas i should pic up give me a shout i have 360 and ps3 so im not too sure yet...


i am just starting to grasp the potential that halo 3 will bring on the gaming world. i am not the biggest halo fan by any means but for most 360 lovers it is number one on their list. my only concern is the games comming out that will get swept under the rug because of halo 3. not just games for the 360 but for the wii and ps3 also. mass effect, call of duty 3 army of two, uncharted, and so on. should one say that the hype is overdone. or do some people love it. i noe one thing if this game blows people will be cucking their 360's out the window.....


games these days are so story driven. also visual sound effects and gameplay play huge roles. however a game is only as good as its offline and online multiplayer. there is nothing better than sharing your "gears of war" experience with other, whether that is casual or competitive. i believe that resistance fall of man for the ps3 really hit that multiplayer experience. buddy list, clan home page clan list, chat, party rooms and tuns of custimizable options u can change to make ur experience great. if i am a game develeper these simple thing should be standard for online play. online has become so big that people halo three fans would go buy crackdown just to get the beta for online. my friend threw his out the window when the beta ended just because crackdown was not his style of game. anyway i think i am seriously considering looking at video games at lot differently then i did before. now that games r becoming more advance would doesnt wanna take thier skill on gamebattles,,, which by the way is a great site,,,,,,

i feel bad for those noobs who r going to go srtaight online once halo 3 comes out at least play the story first,,, that goes for any game not just halo...

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