10.The sims 3 9.Just cause 8.borderlands 7.Mass Effect 2 6.Tom Clancys Hawx 5.GTA san andreas 4.fallout 3 3.Resident evil 5 2. prince of persia 1.Just cause 2
Hi i was just wondering is it possible to put custom sound effects into games so for example if you die you get the mario death tune instead of what it is in the game or something like being able to replace the sounds of when you shoot someone ?????
when playing Co-Op the game crashes and makes a repetitive sound at the exact moment OK is clicked from the requested player but the game works normal and fine when i play single player Does this happen to anyone else and do you know how to solve this problem ??
while playing JC2 it swaps to my desktop but still allows me to fire my guns drives cars(if im already in one when it swaps) is there anything tht i can do to stop it doing or i the only unlucky sod to have this happening
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