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suburbancactus Blog

Legend of Link

If you haven't seen it already, check out the animated series on Newgrounds. A couple friends of mine voice-act in it, but I'm not just biased - it's FUNNY.

Would post a link but am lazy. Just search Legend of Link. The videos are called LoL: Episode Title Here.

Not Compatible

this semester's classes:

MWF 8am - Woodwinds Methods

MWF 9am - Accelerated Aural Skills II

MWF 10am - Keyboard Skills III

MW 11am - Musicianship for Teaching I

MTWR 1pm - Concert Choir

TR 8am - American Government: Processes and Policies

TR 10am - Italian Diction for Singers

TR 11am - Accelerated Music Theory II

and voice lessons, time TBA. now add voice departmental recitals every other tuesday at 4, studio class on most tuesdays at 3, and required attendance to 15 recitals. did i mention that voice lessons also require rehearsing separately with your accompanist every week, and a minimum of 5 hours of practice per week? now add practicing for woodwinds (learning a whole new instrument), aural skills, keyboard, and diction. then consider the reading for government, the analyzing for theory, the writing for music ed. add in my problem with hypersomnia and sectional rehearsals for choir, plus two concerts to perform in. and in summer i'll be working at boy scout camp without a lot of free time. i feel like i'll never have time for games again >.

back to texas!

13 hours til i get to hop in the car and head back home. home being school, cause i guess technically most people would consider my parents' house home, but if home is where the heart is then this is definitely not it. don't get me wrong, it's nice to visit, but damn, i'm glad i don't live here any more. and thank god i got a summer job out of state. i'm not particularly eager to hang around here for more than a few days at a time, and this month has been more than enough. next year i think i'll be heading back much sooner, even if that means lonely days in the dorm.

besides, let's consider the weather, shall we? here? 24 degrees. school? 50. a high of 70 for tuesday. i understand that texas weather is "bipolar" and one day it'll be pleasant and the next a hellhole, but that's still preferable to this constant drudgery.

on the bright last night in town means my last chance for local food :D

friday :D

"i am grateful for all of life. i am being thankful for everything i see and everything i don't see."

life is a gift.


i'm not a pessimist by nature, but still.

-having to pee as soon as you sit down. or worse, as you're about to fall asleep.

-getting a phone call at 7am that campus is closed...while you're still home on break, sleeping in.

-knowing that you're getting the flu, but this isn't the worst of it yet.

-having the cat sleep on your feet, but really really REALLY wanting to roll over...but he's so cute and you don't wanna wake him up!

-reaching under the seat of your car to find the ring that your friend dropped and pulling out a rotten apple instead.

-being attacked by aforementioned cat in the middle of the night (which is pretty much the scariest benign thing that can happen to you in the middle of the night, imho)

-running out of clean underwear! especially if you don't realize it til after you get out of the shower.

-reaching the boss and getting killed just before you make the final blow. which is the story of my life today, thanks to fire emblem, twewy, and super mario galaxy.


i've come to the conclusion that pretty much anyone who begins to experience certain ongoing symptoms becomes a bit of a hypochondriac. i'm not talking about your average cold or flu symptoms; i mean things like heart palpitations, or dizziness after eating, and other weird things. plus, with the internet, it's easy to search your symptoms and find out that the cause could be something completely benign, or something life-threatening. easily available information is convenient, but frightening. at any rate. maybe it's just me. in other news, the drama here is relentless. christmas was great, but now that it's over, i'm starting to remember why i was dying to move out (and far away, too). eighteen more days before my break ends. i'm excited to go back to school, but nervous for the new semester what with the new meds. bad time to mess with my brain. random side note - i have a summer job!! i'll be working at boy scout camp for eight and a half weeks. that'll probably stall my gaming a little :P i don't know the exact position yet, but i'll probably be a director of sorts, which would be nice because it'd pay fairly well. but i'm really excited; i volunteered there last summer and had a blast and there's really nothing better than having a job that you enjoy ^^ actually there might be something having an AWESOME BOYFRIEND. which i do. man, life is just good right now! haha. except for the whole family thing...which is a very long (and probably dull) story. good news about family is that my brother is starting to get more comfortable with my sister having a girlfriend. tom (my boyfriend) and my sister & her girlfriend double dated a few days ago XDDD it was fun ^^

home for the holidays

I'm not a huge fan of visiting home for long periods of time. 30 days to go. In spite of that, I think Christmas this year was the best one yet. I got home from school a week before it, and then my brother's high school let out a few days later, and a day or two after that, my sister came home. The way the house filled up made it so much more exciting and festive than usual. Just the fact that I'm visiting here and not living here makes it better. I don't mind keeping tidy nearly as much, I don't get half as bored, and for once, I have absolutely no schoolwork or music to worry about. Plus there's just the fact that I'm finally feeling better. Hopefully that lasts, because I had to get an echocardiogram a few days ago and still haven't gotten the results. I should find out by Tuesday. Anyways. Santa brought me five new games (Fire Emblem, FE Sacred Stones, FE Shadow Dragon, Scribblenauts, and The World Ends with You) which were all things I'd asked for so hooray! I've borrowed the two FE games for GBA from friends before, but now that I own them I can actually play all the way through :3 As for the other three, I'm just getting started with all of them, but they're awesome so far. I'm really happy with them ^^ He also brought me a sewing machine, which I've wanted for a long time and am quickly becoming addicted to. I have a pattern for a supercute 50's dress that I'm getting started on. The only thing that annoys me about sewing is that I'm so little everywhere except for my hips, so I have to alter everything I make for it to fit. It's kind of fun, though, figuring out what to change and how. In other news, I painted a Charmander on the corner of the box that I keep my DS games in. It's pretty cute, except he's kind of chubbers :3 Also, the soundtrack to Dr. Horrible's Singalong Blog is stuck in my head. Tom and I pretty much have it memorized, and we sing it in harmony. Then again, we're music majors, so we sing pretty much everything in harmony. Hehe. I love my life ^^
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