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I will be MIA...

...probably as early as tomorrow.

As some of you may know, tomorrow is MY LAST DAY as Dave's personal assistant. I will be going to my sister's bar straight from work to celebrate that I am no longer working there. After that, we're having a slumber party at her new apartment, which has no internet.

Saturday, I'll mostly be packing, and my mom flies in at 7:30. With my mom here, I'll feel bad spending a lot of time online.

I figure we'll leave Monday, most likely, and after that, I will have no internet until Saturday, at least. And, of course, the new Harry Potter book comes out Saturday, so I'll be off for a while reading that.

Anyway, I just wanted to give you all the heads up and let you know that I will miss you all when I'm away, and then when I'm back full time, I will be back on the East Coast!


We Support Danny/Lindsay

Click here to show your support for D/L!

The link, for people who may want to post it other places, is this:

Also, feel free to take one of the banners I made!

And spread the word! Post it wherever! Put it in your own blogs, on other message boards you frequent, in your profiles... We are the DL Army. We must be heard.

Icons - Harry Potter and Hot Boys

Oh, and for those of you who didn't know - I did get Ulead VideoStudio to work. One of the keygens I downloaded (#3, if you were keeping track)... The reason it didn't work is because it was for the US version, and I had the UK version downloaded. No problem, though. Just downloaded the US version. I now have functioning video software.


I'd like to thank everyone that helped... Or tried to help. :) It is greatly appreciated.

Also, I'd like to bring some icons for everyone. :)

These are in two separate posts.

[1-10] Chris Evans
[11-20] Ryan Gosling


The rest are here.

And now for these ones...

[1-36] Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix


The rest are here.

Enjoy! :D

Windows Movie Maker is no more.

I need the following things from people, or from people's friends:

1. The activation code for Ulead VideoStudio 11 (from Corel), so that I don't have to buy it.

2. Tips on how to use Ulead VideoStudio to make music vids.

Why? Because my Windows Movie Maker STILL randomly closes on me, even after I followed the steps to fix it. I deleted all the new add-ons I had downloaded - uninstalled them, removed them from my computer. And still, I get about six clips into a project and BOOM. Programs shuts down on me. Makes it really hard to make videos. AND I WANT TO MAKE VIDEOS! :cry: You have no idea how many D/L videos I can picture, right now, in my head.

I downloaded the keygen for VideoStudio, but when I opened it, I got a virus. So, yeah, THAT didn't work. I NEED HELP!!

24 days.

Ian and Kate got in a fight over the electric bill. My sister asked him if he keeps turning down the thermostat. He does. He totally does. Because I have to turn it up all the time. He said that he's turned it down "maybe twice". What a f*cking liar. He turned it down four or five times last week alone. Anyway, Kate was like, "Not like you PAY it, but our electric bill is over $200 AGAIN, so stop touching the thermostat." Then Ian got all defensive, saying that he is always shutting the back door, "which is always open" (which is untrue), and that the thermostat being turned down wouldn't affect the electric bill. When it means the air conditioner is ALWAYS ON, yes it does. And the back door is open maybe a crack, for the cats, and it's not open all the time. And how would he know? He's never f*cking here.

This fight happened at Ian's bedroom door, which is right by my bedroom door, so I sat here trying to pretend that I couldn't hear them arguing ten feet away.

My fear is that Kate will move into her apartment early just to get away from Ian. I can't go anywhere until Mom arrives on the 14th, and I don't want to be alone with Ian.

I got an email from my dad today. He's pissed off because we went over our minutes with our cell phone plan (we have a family share plan - 700 minutes for four of us). I rarely ever use my phone, but last month I was in LA. So I called home every night and would talk for a while. I called Carrie, and I also called Kate. So that was how I got all those minutes. But Dad was like, "I don't get an itemized list, so I just want to make sure that you were the one making these calls." What, like I wouldn't notice if someone stole my damn phone? And how am I supposed to remember every call I made during the month?

He told me to try and remember to call their cell phones and not the house phone. Well, I would do that if THEY EVER TURNED THEIR PHONES ON. My mom NEVER has her cell phone on, and I'm not going to call my dad's phone, because then I'd have to talk to my dad.

Dad just has this way of yelling at you without really yelling.

I feel like such a b*tch right now. I read some not favorable stuff about my ship, and I feel like telling the person who wrote it to just f*ck off. But I won't do that. I SO want to, though. God, you have no idea how much I want to.

Ooh... Promo for OotP. Kickass.

Work sucked, but Dave let me go at 3:30, so that was cool.

Ghosts in the Wind - complete

It's finally finished! Hooray!

TITLE: Ghosts in the Wind
SUMMARY: It rarely happens – a case so huge that all of the CSIs must work together. But when an attempted robbery in a bodega leaves nine people dead, everyone is on the case. And even that isn't going to be enough to bring this killer to justice.
SPOILERS: Any and all aired episodes.
PAIRING: Eventual D/L, slight Flack/OC
RATING: T. I may up it later for language and violence, but right now, it's at T.
DISCLAIMER: I do not own the show or the characters. Only in the magical land of Narnia. I only own my OC.

Many, many thanks go to Blue, Spunky, and Mandy for their feedback and input.

Chapter One: A Sense of Foreboding
Chapter Two: The Short End of the Stick
Chapter Three: On a Mission
Chapter Four: Terra
Chapter Five: Better than Nothing
Chapter Six: Foot in the Door
Chapter Seven: Without a Paddle
Chapter Eight: Unprofessional
Chapter Nine: It Hits the Fan
Chapter Ten: Starting Fresh
Chapter Eleven: Run
Chapter Twelve: Understanding

Roommate wars.

First off, I want to pimp my new banner and blog header. LOOK HOW CREATIVE I CAN BE!!!!

Sorry. I'm just really proud of that blog header. :P

Now, on to the topic in the subject line. Apologies if some of you (*cough*Blu*cough*) who may read this twice.

Here are the wars I am currently having with Ian - all of them are fought in silence, as I don't speak to him unless he speaks to me.

The War of the Dishwasher

When my parents came out here in August with my stuff, they bought Kate and I some things for the house - a toaster, pots and pans, that kind of stuff. The pots are not supposed to be run through the dishwasher because:

1) They will not get clean that way.
2) They will get ruined.

Kate and I will leave the pots to soak in the sink, then scrub them later. If one of us doesn't, the other one will. Ian, however, continues to put them in the dishwasher. If we catch it before the load gets run through, we will take them out and put them in the sink to clean them.

Last night, I noticed that Ian had once again put the pots in the dishwasher. I took them out and put them in the sink, intending to clean them later. But I got caught up in my CSI: NY marathon and talking to people on MSN, so I didn't get to it last night.

Ian put them back in the dishwasher when he got home. Then he ran it.

The War of the Thermostat

Granted, we live in Phoenix, and it gets hot here. However, there is no need to set the thermostat at anything under 80 degrees, because that makes the house more than 20 degrees cooler than the outside air temperature. That would be like my parents, who live in the mountains in PA, setting their thermostat at 50. Especially considering that Ian's room, which is where he spends the majority of his time during the day, gets no direct sunlight and has two fans in it.

Kate and I usually keep the thermostat around 82. We'll adjust it a bit if we're moving around, but usually it stays in one place. Ian sets the thermostat at 77. I turn it up when I get home. Ian turns it down when he gets home. I turn it up in the morning when I leave for work. He turns it down when he gets up. And so on.

The War of the Recycling Bin

We have two different bins in our garage - the garbage one and the recycling one. They are kept between mine and Ian's cars. I have the least amount of space for my car. Ian usually has twice as much, because my sister's garage door opener hasn't worked in months, and she rarely parks her car inside. This week, my sister's car has been in the garage because she's not here.

Ian, of course, is usually piss ass drunk when he comes home. He parks as far over towards my side as possible. To do this, he moves the bins. I don't always pay attention when I'm backing my car out in the morning, so I almost always hit them with my rearview mirror. I have to stop, move them, and keep going.

The other day I came home from work to find that the recycling bin had been placed in the middle of my spot. I had to get out, move it, and get back in my car so that I could keep pulling in. I moved it directly in line with the garbage can. Ian had plenty of space to pull his car into the garage.

When I left for work this morning, I had to move the bin again, because Ian moved it when he came home last night. I again put it so that Ian had plenty of space to pull in.

I just got home, and there's the recycling bin, all the way over on my side of the garage. So I moved it all the way over so that it's right in the middle of Ian's spot.

I hope he hits the f*cking thing with his car when he comes home tonight, drunk off his ass.

Ah, damn.

Dave told me today that he's going to let Tom go over the weekend.


This means I'll have to train someone new. *sigh*

So, cross your fingers that I get a call about one of the 30+ jobs I've applied to in New York over the past few months.

Paris Hilton goes free.

I am shocked. This is my shocked face. :|


There is no justice in this world.

You know, when I was 13, I lost a very good friend of mine to a drunk driver who ran a red light. The guy didn't stop and was never found, therefore was never punished for what he did. So I have absolutely no tolerance for people who drink and drive. Especially if you're rich enough to HIRE A DAMN DRIVER. She's f*cking Paris Hilton!!! She can't call a cab when she's blitzed?

I had the idea, the other day, that what I should do for a job is move to LA and start a company where I chauffer drunk celebrities home from parties. Not only would it help to clean up their images, as they won't have any embarrassing videos or photos of them driving drunk, but it would probably save lives - as, eventually, one of this moronic people like Lindsay Lohan or Paris Hilton is going to kill someone.

If they killed someone, do you think they might actually go to jail for a whole week?

Her 'medical condition' is such crap. So she didn't like the food. You're not SUPPOSED to like the food. It's PRISON. It's a PUNISHMENT.

This is just another example of everything that's wrong with this country.

Maybe I should move to Canada.