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suitelife19 Blog

My Dream Come True !

Well most of you know that I like Cool_Dude .  Well he likes me back YAY ! And he asked me out on a date (well a date lol )!! I am so happy I can't belive this is really happening :) !!!!!!  He saw  a pic of me and thats how he decided he liked me.  I I am so Happy . I love Cool_Dude and now he loves me :D .

BIG Show !

Tommorow is the biggest day in are school its called Granparents Day . I am in the Band and I sing :!: So the show is 2 hours and I am on the stage for about 1 hour and 50 minuets :) . And we do the show 2 times . so I will be on stage for like 4 hours :?. Then after that we have to do a presttintation :( for the old people . So that will take another 1 1/2 and then the 30 minuts is for lunch .So tommorow is going to be  really busy .

Buggie Song !

I was on the Phone I was singing like and idiot so I made up some songs one was the Buggie song it was so fuuny I made it up besause I step on a huge bug and I was like o f*** I steped on a Buggie lol so heres the song

Buggie on my left foot buggie on my right

I steped on a buggie and I had a big fright

ooooooooo F***

lol I love that song now :lol:

The SCARIEST dream EVER !!

Heres my Dream

  Me and My brother were playing outside and I wen't to pick up my dog to bring her in stide but I triped over something that was coverd in dirt so I wiped off the dirt and it was a dead body :shock:  so I ran in the house told my mom and she called the cops when the cops came they took the dead body they went to look around my house so when they looked in the front yard they found another body and tthey made my mom pick it up and she was like eww the body is filling up the bag and the  women was like what do you think then  I woke up and I sat their for two hours and just thought about the dream it was so scary :cry:

New Cloths YAY !

I wen't to the mall and this is what I got



I don't want to sound like I am braging but I haven't gotten new sneekers since October and I can't belive I got all this stuff I am out of my mind happy :P

Please Kill me !!!!!!!!

Of corse my aunt was the bus driver today :x . So I got on said hi and walk all the way to the end of the bus she asked me if her yelling bothered me . Inside I was saying YES :evil: !!!!!!!!!!!!! But of corse I said no not at all you are a great bus driver :shock: I don't know what came over me I wanted to tell her that it did but I just couldn't :( . so we were just driveing down the street and I saw my friends standing on the road and so my aunt stoped the bus and they were like "thanks for stopping we are running late and we couldn't get to the bus stop  in time " and my aunt goes "I didn't stop to let you on I stoped to see what you were doing on the side of the road " she made them run almost a mile to the bus stop everyone on the bus was like :shock: . So when we got to school everyone stood up to get off I thought mabey this time she wouldn't yell but this is what she said "NO everybody sit " :!: I was like o no :cry: so all the sudden the princaple gets on and she asks her whats going on and this is what my aunt says " Well I have these two girls that wanted me to pick them up at the wrong bus stop they told me that they were rude and nasty to her and they didn't listen everyone was shocked  :shock: and the princepale yelled at the hole bus and took 3 kids to her ofice and called their parents and they might be suspended   :?  one of the kids had a speciel tjing were if his mom says to get off at thier house and if she says to get off at this girls house he should because that means she won't be home till like 10:00 and he not aloud to cook dinner for himself so my aunt wouldn't listen and he had to walk three miles home :!::!::!:


I can't belive it and I missed ten minuts of Homeroom and i got introuble for missing it :cry:

OMG My Aunt Was the Bus Driver Agian !

OMG I got on the buss today and gusse who I saw ......... My Aunt :roll: you had to see my face it was like :shock: I said so your the bus driver agian and shes like yup I wanted to cry :cry:  so I went all the way in the back were I always sit and my friend Kylie is like your ants the buss driver agian and I was like I haven't notcied :x so when all the oldest kids got on (thats me and all my friend but I am the oldest of every single on I am a mounth older :lol:) they were all like OMG she is so mean I am going to talk to the princable about getting a new sub (as you can tell the only one thats knows shes my aunt is kylie) so I am like don't do that shes not that bad ( I talked to soon ) about 1 minuet later she pulls over on the side of the road and starts screaming :? like this " Everyone is WAY to loud get your feet out of the way and SHUT UP :x" I was like OMG :shock: and so finaly we got to the school and we got off the bus and she was like Bye Linds and everyones like you know her I was like no and their like how does she know your name and I was like she asked when I got on . To make things worse she has a car seat  for Bratty Liam and he might be one the bus tommorw everyone thinks he's cute but I think hes a BRAT :!:

Most embaring day of my life !!!!!!!!!!!

Today I got on the bus and gusse who was the bus diver ...... It wasmy Aunt and shes likes HI LINDS I was like OMG :oops: get me out of here ! Then she started to yell at the kids in my class because they were loud and throwing stuf and they were all like shes the meannest buss driver ever ! I am just like I know and of course my best friend goes but isn't that your aunt I was like Shut Up and everyone is like she is and my friend was like its a joke and everyones like o ok because if shes your aunt I feel sorry for you so we got off the bus and of the frist thing SuiteLifeXxX9 goes o did your Aunt bring Liam on the bus and everone turned around and was like that your aunt and I was like NO ITS A JOKE NOW STOP BUGGING ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was horrible me and my brother were so embaresd the rest of the day and thats on top of all my friends makeing fun of me and my brother calling us Ryan and Sharpay so I had such a bad day :(

O but it wasn't as bad as last time she was the bus driver last time she broght my bratty cosin Laim with her :(