I think they owe us more then one free xbla game, I am still having alot of problems with live. Hell I haven't been able to get online with Call of Duty 4 in 3 days. Halo 3 takes about 3 or 4 attempts just to finally find a game. I know it isn't just my connection because alot of my friends are having the same problems.
Infinity Ward has redefined Call of Duty with COD 4, why take it away and give it back to the people who put out that lil piece of crud COD 3? If the rumors turn out to be true, then count me out on buying COD 5.
I got both for christmas, although my daughter opened up Assassins Creed so my fiance let me have it early. Can't wait for Call of Duty 4 cuz I loves me some multiplayer. So tough call, but I'd say get both, if ya can't just get Call of Duty 4
Yeah and that sucks to. My nephew just started a new game on it and now I have to start all over again. Good thing I wasn't very far into the game yet or else I would be furious. Why can't every game allow more then one freaking save slot?
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