i don't read them and even i know. all of those guys where in the cartoons and if you didnt watch that as a kid well then you can't expect to know any of the characters. its like saying "ive never been to england and i have never read about england. i know nothing about this random dude fromengland." lol
yeah but unlike books or movies an easy option DOESN'T remove the hard option. I think demon/dark souls are great games and i enjoy playing them. I would not mind at all if they stay super tough to beat. But i'm not gonna cry if they add an easy option. I hate to sound like I'm attacking the guy but i find that kind of childish to get upset about something like that.
Tripple is here to stay. at least on the big consoles perhaps not as many but we will always see a few. most likely adding multiplayer modes and tons of dlc. or new versions using the same engine.
@sergiodoom well i like the background damage thats cool. but the dc fighter seems to do a better job of that. hell mk vs dc for all its flaws added some fun new elements to the fighting game as a whole.
and yes doa is known for the boobs so why shrink em lol
you could get enjoyment out of almost any game if your really forgiving. with the amount of great content out there I find it a waste of time to play something i think is "alright" or "not that bad"
It's funny in the past japanese where the kings of rpgs but now north america seems to making the best rpgs (allot more control and variety)
to tell you the truth i don't like most mmo's , the yee old dragons and wizards and thing is getting a bit old. i'm happy to see a good modern day setting. I think this story would have also worked in a third person action game.
super_voltron's comments