Talk about best RPG on PSP, there are not much titles come to my mind. FFVII CC is a good choice, but it's quite away from 'original 'RPG. Why don't u try some ported games from PS or remake games from even far platform like SNES? I play STAR OCEAN recently, the story is good. Also you should try Volkyrie profile remake from PSP. These two are fabulous~!
superairlike's forum posts
These two games are great games with fun focus on how to play the game. The puzzles and the graphic. But the problem for Intendo gams is that the character design is for 'All ages'. It's a little bit childish to you maybe.
Although the XBOX 360 had already adopted 65nm to Graphic card. But I am still looking forward to the new '80GB double 65nm edition' . Do you have any idea thet when will it come out? How ahout the hardware problems happend in single 65nm machine(hign odds)?? It's that necessary for me to wait more time?
Oh,Man~! This game is fantastic. I have go through the MGS SOLID AND MGS2 SONS OF LIBERTY. But come to MGS3, I didn't finish it when it comes out in 2005,partly because of the mechanism change, I can't get used to that there is no radar on the screen. So much time had passed until MGS4 released, I didn't got my PS3 yet, but when I see the cut scene of which on the website. I was shocked, my enormous emotion about this games pours out. I find out MGS3 and finished it in three days. What a great game with good plot, I love the cut scene,compareble to any other movies I have ever seen. The story of MGS3 really moves me a lot. So I get MGS1 TWIN SNAKE and MGS2,prepare to go through the game again. I really want to get MY MGS4~!
I feel the story is great due to the reason that I had tried all FF7 series games. But the game is kind of short and the battale frequency is not much. The main story will cost you just less than 10 hours. I had to play MISSIONS TO PROLONG the playing time even I don't like fighting too much enemy.
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