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superdance14 Blog

Considering an Xbox 360

Ever since E3, I feel angered. Nintendo has given me nothing to look forward to and I really needed it. Why? Because before that I was pondering the thought of a 360. I mean, with the price cut and a huge selection of games, I don't see where I could go wrong. But I have to make up my mind before the 60 GB comes in.

Could I get someone else's opinion on this?

The Official E3 Report Card


The Good: Resident Evil 5 demo + date, Geometry Wars 2, Portal: Still Alive (Will the cake still be a lie?), Fallout 3 (I had no idea what it was before, now I can't wait for it), Only mentioning Halo once

The Bad: Avatars (What's next, Xbox Sports?), Scene It (Nobody watching this cares), You're in the Movies (Holy Eye Toy rip-off, Batman!), Lips (How could you betray us iNis?!), Cutting Bungie's announcement for You're in the Movies

The Ugly: Duffy

Grade: B


The Good: Animal Crossing City Folk, WiiSpeak (Only two years late), GTA Chinatown Wars (Please not top-down, please not top-down), The possibilities of WiiMotionPlus, Hearing "Ring of Fire" during the Shaun White Snowboarding demo

The Bad (Holy cow, where do I begin?): Wii Sports Resort (You said we weren't getting a sequal!), Wii Music (Rewards you for sucking, yay), Reggie not shutting up about sales figures (As you can see, our bar is bigger than the other companies's bar), Heavy reliance on third-parties (AKA - The same people who taunt us with shovelware), Talking about smiles while all core gamers are not smiling (Holy Irony, Batman)

The Ugly: That drummer guy

Grade: D+


The Good: God of War III, Fat Princess (Don't let the feminists tell you different!), Ratchet and Clank Future: Quest for Booty (Game: Yea!, Title: WTF?), Resistance 2, LittleBigPlanet (The future of presentations!)

The Bad: Huge Reliance on PS2 and Metal Gear Solid 4, MAG (Sony's having trouble with titles I see), One trailer for DC Universe Online and nothing about The Agency

The Ugly: No mention at all of Final Fantasy XIII (Holy Hurt Feelings, Batman!)

Grade: B-

E3 is Here

The insanity of E3 is upon us. For the first time this year, I'll be able to watch the press confrences live instead of the once a minute news updates. (That's good, right?)

The Long and Winding Spore

Yesterday, I decided to download the Creature Creator from the Spore website. I click on the download thing, then it asks if I should run or save. After 10 minutes of asking people online, I choose save. 20 minutes later, the download is done. Then, it asks if I should download the EA Download Manager, which I reluctantly agree to. Then, it tells me that I need a new version of DirectX which I decline in frustration. When I try to load the CC, it tells me I need that DirectX version. 5 minutes later I got it and then try to play the game, I have to reinstall it. Since I'm completely new to PC games, I ask people for 15 minutes how to do that, with no response. So, I choose to un-install, then download again. 20 more minutes later, I have it again and start to install it. Near the end, I get the same DirectX thing I got before, so I decide to double-click on the DirectX icon and see what happens. After a 10 minute installation, I finally click finish on both installers and to my surprise, it actually worked.

So, after 2 hours of confusion, frustration, and anger, I have the Spore Creature Creator. Unfortunetely, after installing I was too frustrated to play it so I ended up playing it 4 hours later.

Here's my Sporepedia profile:

Brawl is Almost Here!

I've waited months, years even. I've seen all Dojo posts. I've tracked down tons of information. And the wait is almost here. Just one day until Brawl is released. I have read all of the reviews and I like what I see. Especially Nintendo Power, Gamespot, and IGN's were helpful. Gamespy's on the other hand... they're idiots. I have today and tomorrow completely planned out on how I will prepare for Brawl. Here's how: Today I'm going to clean up the Wii area and the remotes, make a pitcher of Kool-Aid for playing tomorrow, get all my work done, and get some sleep. Sunday I have to shower and eat, go to church, and right from there head to Gamestop, pick up the game, register it and that stuff, and then play the hell out of it. I decided against the tournament because I've never played it before, it's at midnight, and I'm not really tournament material. So let me put it this way, I may be signed on tomorrow, but I'll only be here for about one minute at 10:40 AM, because after that, I'm playing Brawl!

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