Dark Void It seems like I'm the only one looking forward to this game...no_handlebarsNo you're not, I am too. And Brutal Legend and inFamous (Even though I don't have a PS3, I loved the Sly Cooper series)
What platform should I get World of Goo on? They're both the same price because of the Steam sale. I don't really have anyone to play co-op with on the Wii, but it seems like the Wii version is getting better reception.
Which sounds better:1. 360: Castle Crashers + Alien Hominid HD, Wii: World of Goo + Punch-Out, Steam: Portal + Garry's Mod - Total Cost: $58.982. 360: Same, Wii: Tetris Party + SNES or Genesis Game, Steam: Portal + World of Goo - Total Cost: $64.98
I'm going to be picking up an SNES off a friend. Comes with 2 controllers and Super Mario World. Need some game ideas.
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