I'd rather Sony just make PS5 instead.
SuperFlyZero's forum posts
My opinions>your opinions.
My tastes>your tastes.
My game>your game.
My system>your system.
Graphics blah, sales blah.
Think I covered everything SW has ever said and done in one small statement.
Fallout 4 specifically has brought a new addition to the open world genre in the form of fort building. It's overwhelmingly addictive too. It's thanks to this gen's batch of more powerful systems that allows for more additions than were previously available in the past.
The most disappointing game I played is imo fallout. Game has no soul it's a bland boring poor paced game
Saying it's "poor paced" leads me to believe you played the wrong game out of sheer ignorance. Nobody ever expected a Fallout game to be linear with a focused story. It's your own fault for playing it incorrectly and expecting something you shouldn't have.
Totally agree with you about the misrepresentation of females in the industry. These award shows are over the top with their shallowness in showing flash over substance.
Geoff is bleh as a host because he comes off like a industry pr mouthpiece.
Now, about the awards, I love it that Splatoon won best MP game of the year. That's a pretty nice accomplishment for Nintendo of all people, and well-deserved. I would have figured Halo 5 on winning with a rubber stamping, but thankfully that didn't happen this year.
I can finish so many games in under 10 hours :(
And you're willing to pay $60 readily for those kinds of experiences? I'd feel absolutely cheated at that price per hours of content.
@superflyzero: what makes the single paler so bad? I thought it was alright, but I'm not the biggest halo fan and haven't played much of the others
There's just not much to it but flash. Then they force other characters on you. The Master Chief is barely in the game at all. It's a very mindless game overall, and doesn't do anything that hasn't been done to death already. Just a forgettable experience with little substance.
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